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The Sounds - Dying To Say This To You
I've been looking forward to this album ever since I first listened to The Sounds' first LP, Living in America. It's a little different from their older stuff and actually took me a few more listens to get into than their first album. But, I am now firmly entrenched. If you liked the Surferosa song that I posted a few weeks ago on this blog, you'll definitely enjoy this. The best part of the Sounds is how they incorporate synth so completely into their pop-punk-disco sound so that they're not a "synth" or "electropop" band, they're a pop band that uses synths and electronics. It's like Blondie for the new millenium but way better (I never quite got into Blondie). Standouts include the first single, Song With a Mission, with its catchy Rolling Stones-esque guitar riff and soul/gospel background vocals, Hurt You, the most synth-driven song the band's ever attempted, and probable second single, the catchy as hell Queen of Apology. But, who am I kidding, all the songs are great. And, if you get the album this week you can find it most places in the US for under ten dollars! Plus, the cd is enhanced with two videos and a remix. Sold yet?
Listen to the album before you buy it here.
And, as a special bonus (because I'm so excited about this album finally coming out), here's the b-side to their latest, magnificent single Song With A Mission for you to sample:
The Sounds - Goodbye Seventies
(you can buy the album here - music is posted for evaluation purposes only. Please support the artists. If you hold the copyright to this song and wish it to be removed, contact me and I will delete it immediately)
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