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Saturday, August 05, 2006


"Let me work it out, don't you take it personal"

I've got another one to tide you over until the Scissor Sisters release their new stuff, and this one's brilliant. Strangely enough, it was brought to my attention by this week's People Magazine (hardly a bastion of music news). They reviewed Under The Influence Of Giants' debut album (out next Tuesday in the States) and compared the band to my beloved SS. Yay for that, because this group is amazing, particularly this song. Very 70s/80s disco pop, and the SS comparison is well warranted. In addition to picking up their album next week, I will be playing this for awhile. I hope you will too.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists!)

Friday, August 04, 2006


"I push the button and I have no excuse"

If you're like me, you've been playing the new Scissor Sisters song (and video) nonstop. I'm afraid, even though it's not humanly possible, that I'm going to wear it out before their album is released. Fortunately, if you enjoy the discotastic, seventies inspired glam of "I Don't Feel Like Dancing," I've got the perfect b-side for you. Stereo Explosion are Swedish, and opened for the legendary Ark in 2004. This is the only song I've been able to find from them, but it is absolutely fantastic. Very disco and very catchy (the best part being the "shake....shake, shake!" in the chorus), play it when SS needs a brief rest.

EDIT: I can't believe I didn't know about this earlier, but Stereo Explosion is actually comprised of members from the Ark! That makes them even cooler!!

Stereo Explosion - Disko

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists!)


"It'll be a great romance, we'll go shopping and buy tight pants"

I have no idea where I acquired this song, but it's been on my computer forever and I'll play it every once and awhile and have a laugh. The best part about it is the girls' delivery. Very tongue-in-cheek, but also very monotone. Upon some research, I found that the girls are from New York and are now a part of a five-piece band (they started out as a ukelele duo!). The song could be really obnoxious if it wasn't so damn catchy!

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists!)

Sunday, July 30, 2006


"You turn me into something fresh and bold"

There is nothing better than Swedish glam. That's why the Ark is the best band on the planet. And, where the Ark borrows more from Queen, Captain Murphy is almost a perfect 21st century replication of T-Rex. This song is so incredibly groovy (a word we don't use often enough, yes?) and sounds like it's straight from the seventies. The video is also hilarious, with the band surrounded by a gaggle of gals (of all different sizes and shapes) gyrating to the music.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists!)

Coming soon to #1 Hits From Another Planet, ladies and gents, is the ambitious

*Millenium Project*

Watch this blog for more details!


"I'm bleeding, still breathing, I'm tearing through these chains"

I know that this post is a little different than artists that I usually post, but being a fan of rock, theatrics, cheese and bombast, Meat Loaf has always occupied a special part in my heart. This is his new single, from his upcoming album Bat Out Of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose. Both previous Bat's have been masterpieces of the genre, so I'm looking forward to the third one. There's no chance in hell, bat or no bat, that this song will become a pop hit, but it's nice to see Meat Loaf sticking to his guns, even adding some nu-metal style guitars to his brand of overblown symphonic rock. It's so stupid, yet so glorious! I just can't see how anyone could not like Meat Loaf!

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists!)

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