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Friday, November 02, 2007

Grafton Primary - Relativity

"You and I together make a figure eight"

I read about this new Australian band over on bigstereo earlier this week and instantly knew that I had to post something about them here as well. They are a synthpop/electro act (what else?), but they've got an extra special style and sound that I think sets them apart and arguably makes them more interesting (ie: better) than most like-minded acts. The vocals on all the tracks I've heard so far have a cool spoken/sung vibe to them that I really love. They've only released an EP so far but I hear that an album is on the way as well.

Grafton Primary - Relativity (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here!)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Lamont - Elegance And Discodance

"Make-up is on, prohibitions are gone"

I know I've been posting a lot about Lamont lately, but today's finally the day that their album is released.... for free! The band posted a torrent of the entire Golden Daze album on the Pirate Bay this morning (Sweden time) and I think that is incredibly generous and cool of them. The album is fantastic glam-pop, definitely for fans of some of my favorite bands like the Ark, Melody Club and Dolly Daggers. Elegance And Discodance was one of my immediate favorites, but the whole thing is wonderful. Make sure to take advantage of the band's free offer and download the album! I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Lamont - Elegance And Discodance (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Download the album for free here!)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Halloween Treat #23: Tim Curry - Anything Can Happen On Halloween

I'm posting this track (and the accompanying video) because the campy-as-hell movie that it's taken from has quickly become a Halloween tradition at the Alienhits HQ. If you haven't seen The Worst Witch yet do yourself a favor, and be sure to look out for:

1. Tim Curry's ridiculously enormous cape (and creepy molester smile)
2. Aggie's (or as we like to call her around here: "drag hag's") school song, which renders me speechless everytime I see it
3. The delightfully manly Ms. Hardbroom and her inappropriate broom speech
4. The ridiculousness that is "terror tag"
5. Of course, Tim Curry's number, as seen below (with his wonderful array of cardboard props)

BONUS: I just received this free digital Halloween EP in my inbox and it's actually alright, even though I've never heard of the artist. Check it out here if you want.
Mika Doll - Light Hearted Lie

"You're plastic, you're plastic... so unlike me"

I've got Alienhits' first tranny artist today and it's about time! Mika Doll hails from the UK and is (according to the myspace) "looking for a band." Even without a band, though, the music sounds great. A mix of sleazy electro and pop smarts, Light Hearted Lie is catchy from the beginning. Scissor Sisters would do well to take Mika Doll on as an opening act. I bet the live show is fantastic!

Mika Doll - Light Hearted Lie (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album yet, though!)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween Treat #22: Outkast (ft. Kelis) - Dracula's Wedding

Technically this is just one half of Outkast (André 3000), off of the brilliant The Love Below cd. It's a funny little story-song which brings to life Dracula's softer side.

Sambassadeur - Subtle Changes

"I once believed your words were heartfelt and true"

Today's song is so gorgeous, so majestic, that I've just been aching to post it ever since it came out. Sambassadeur are a Swedish pop band from Gothenburg signed to Labrador Records, which if you don't know, is one of the country's leading indie record labels. Subtle Changes is their new single from their upcoming album and it's massive from the very beginning. Huge strings and orchestral flourishes combine with beautiful, breezy vocals to create something that is at once laid-back and extremely dramatic. While it may not be the catchiest thing on earth (at least after the first lesson), it is undoubtedly captivating.

Sambassadeur - Subtle Changes (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Treat #21: DJ Bobo - Creature Of The Night

Rocky Horror was fantastic this weekend and now I'm totally in the Halloween mood. Today's selection comes from the lame DJ that gave us Vampires Are Alive earlier this year. As for this track? I just love the cheesy guitar.
Delays - Panic Attacks

"Sometimes I feel dizzy and I don't know why"

It's ridiculous how excited I am for the Delays' next full length, but luckily us fans have the upcoming Love Made Visible EP to tide us over until early next year when the next record comes out. Even luckier for you folks, I've got one of the b-sides exclusive to the EP today! Although I'm hoping that Greg's vocals (rather than brother Aaron's) will be upfront on a consistant basis on the new LP, I can't fault Panic Attacks in any way. It sounds so much better than most b-sides out there and I think it's a fantastic teaser for what we're in for in the future. Unlike most of the band's b-sides, Panic Attacks is uptempo, rocky, and has a great catchy chorus.

Delays - Panic Attacks (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here!)
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