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Friday, October 03, 2008

Flashback Friday: The Monitors - Singing In The 80's

"What will we be singing in the 80's?"

Alarmingly, posts are just disappearing left and right on this blog now! I think it's a legal thing, though I wish they'd just delete the link rather than the entire post because I'd love to give these artists some exposure.

Anyway, for today's flashback, I've got a massive tune for you. It's from Australian poppers The Monitors, which I know next to nothing about. It really doesn't matter, though, because this song is amazing. It's like Alphabeat and the Buggles rolled into one with a super singalong chorus and perfect verses to boot. I mean, just look at the opening line: "I didn't know whether to laugh or cry the night disco died." I promise, you will be singing this immediately after you hear it! As for the video, it's pure, glorious, 80's cheese. If anyone's got the album, I would love to hear it (if there ever even was an album released).

The Monitors - Singing In The 80's (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. No idea where to buy it, though!)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Karatkorn - The Distance In A Romance

"Not prepared for the violence, the silence"

Karatkorn make amazing Scandinavian dance-pop, the type that I'd think sites like Popjustice would just drool over. Yet I haven't heard anything about them beyond this site. This is the third time I've posted about these guys and I think it's time they got a break out there in blogland. Days in itself should be enough to do it, but that song's a bit old now so it's time for a newer on. The Distance In A Romance is very Kylie-esque, much like most of the duo's work. It's a big shiny dance-pop track with female vocals that sound like the same singer from Days, though there's not really any way to be sure because there's so little information out there about these guys.

Karatkorn - The Distance In A Romance (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Download more here!)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

End Of Fashion - Force Of Habit

"Remember when we got caught stealing"

I posted a track by Australia's End Of Fashion last week and deleted somehow. This is the second time that's happened this past month and I'm really confused how a post can just disappear. Anybody know? Seriously, it's sorta freaking me out.
On to today's post, I haven't had a time to truly get into End Of Fashion's new album yet, but I'm compelled to post Force Of Habit. It's not the gigantic dance/pop track that I normally post, but it still floored me the first time I heard it. It's the surging melody, for sure. It's just a good old-fashioned, brilliantly written song. I said it last week too, but this track reminds me even more of Robbie Williams' early work than Fussy did. It's got that chorus-of-thousands Angels feeling to it, though it's obviously not quite that good. Still, I can imagine this being a huge hit worldwide if it had the chance.

End Of Fashion - Force Of Habit (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here!)
