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Saturday, February 18, 2006

"Pretty soon it'll be Monday morning"

Gorillaz may have cornered the market on animated pop groups, but Prozzak did it first. Not only that, but they did it with a truckload of hooks and undeniable creativity. A number of their songs were hits in Canada, but the best ones usually lingered on the second half of their albums.

(you can buy the album here - music is posted for evaluation purposes only. Please support the artists. If you hold the copyright to this song and wish it to be removed, contact me and I will delete it immediately.)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

"You got the touch, you got the power! Yeah!"

It's big. It's stupid. What do you expect? I haven't seen Boogie Nights so maybe this song is more well-known than I first thought, but this original version is taken from the Transformers Movie Soundtrack (!). Apart from pretty much defining the bombast that was my childhood, this one deserved to rule the charts in the eighties alongside all the other ridiculous power ballads.

(you can buy the album here - music is posted for evaluation purposes only. Please support the artists. If you hold the copyright to this song and wish it to be removed, contact me and I will delete it immediately.)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"Got Soviet spies, gonna find you yeah"

Like many great pop songs, it doesn't make much sense. Something about a robot and Soviet spies and blah blah blah. But, "sense" is overrated. It's the melody that counts, right? Try getting this out of your head.

(you can buy their album here - music is posted for evaluation purposes only. Please support the artists.)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


"This is the right world for me and my honey"

Pounding drums, chaotic keyboards, a call of trumpets: how can this not be life-affirming pop? It's like the eighties have come back but they're actually cool. Play this song like a call to battle, folks. The band broke up a year ago, but they left us with some of the best music ever to be recorded.

(you can buy their album here - music is posted for evaluation purposes only)

I live in America. Land of the free, home of the brave, etc etc etc. One thing that they forgot to add to our anthem is that the music on our radio is crappy. There's no getting around it. These days, if you don't want to hear some country tune about "gettin' all jacked up" (a stellar example of the english language, yes?) or the tenthousandth variation on the same rap song, you're pretty much out of luck.

So, I invite you to hop aboard your nearest rocketship and fly to the planet Melodia (just play along, please) where radio is nothing short of epic. These songs may never get airplay where you live, but they are the #1 Hits From Another Planet...
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