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Saturday, October 14, 2006


“Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in again"

Exile Inside is the project of Jake Shillingford (great name), formally of English cult-band My Life Story. Breathe In Breathe Out is an absolute synth stormer. In addition to a pulsing electronic riff, the song's got a catchy singalong chorus complete with some piano pounding and an all around kinetic energy. It sounds at times like something Roxette's Per Gessle would produce if he wanted to aim for the clubs.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Song #14

Rob Zombie - Superbeast

Rob Zombie must be loving this month. I mean, he's preactically been created for Halloween and Halloween alone. Enjoy this cheesy horror-metal ditty. Pure monster goodness.

Friday, October 13, 2006


“I'm a little too scared to touch tonight"

Remember Eve 6? They had that heart in a blender song that was so freaking catchy during the late nineties. Well, Dolly Daggers are kind of like a more interesting version of them, with more keyboards and definitely more make-up. Never Ending is catchy and memorable from the start, with a good old fashioned guitar solo and a lot of appropriate punkish attitude. Plus, they are from Sweden. And, as we all know from this and many other blogs, Sweden is music's holy land. The lead singer is bringing the Billy Idol bleached blonde style back and the song is one of the best I've heard in the past month.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album ? - no clue)

Song #13

Marilyn Manson - This Is Halloween

Thanks to the epically wonderful Oxygen Chunks for this track. New this year is Marilyn Manson's cover version of this song from A Nightmare Before Christmas. And, it's absolutely perfect, especially for this Friday the 13th.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


“Play today, don't you worry"

I heard this song a few days ago on Canadian radio and had to do some investigating. The Suits XL are a new band from Quebec who play the kind of no-strings-attached pop that North America just doesn't really hear anymore. With a soft electronic touch and a bit of a Middle Eastern influence in parts, the song is incredibly catchy and simple. I can't help but think it could have been a major hit in the Spring or Summer, but even without the constant sunshine it seems to be doing alright. I'm hoping for big things from this group. They may not be the saviors of quality pop, but they're definitely a step in the right direction.

The Suits XL - Play

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Song #12

Prodigy - Breathe

This song makes the playlist solely for its haunting, claustrophobic techno sleeze and freaky-weird video. Who cares what it's actually about? It sounds great on Halloween.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


“My new tango shoes, they are my treasure, they are so cool"

Today's post is going to be a bit of a taster of an artist that some of you may know, some may not. Bif Naked had a minor hit in the US in the late nineties with A Moment Of Weakness from her major label debut. It was a thrashy bit of punk/metal/pop and, though it was good, didn't really show what she was capable of. Bif has been more popular in Canada, with hits like these three songs below. First up is Tango Shoes, a delicious slice of Pat Benatar vs. Fefe Dobson pop from 2002's Purge. Next is Spaceman, a catchy-as-all-get-out celestial pop/rocker No Doubt would be proud to have as part of their cannon. Finally, there is the gut-wrenching ballad Lucky, which you may have heard on a season four (correct me if I'm wrong) episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. It is probably the most sing-along worthy ballad I've heard since 4 Non Blondes' What's Up. Enjoy. I'm eager to hear how you all like Miss Bif.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the albums here, here and here.)

Song #11

Allstars - Things That Go Bump In The Night

Holidays are a haven for cheese, and Halloween's no different. So, here's my cheesy post #1. This song is so bad and clichéd that it's actually good. I mean, in verse two they sing (with straight faces - I'm assuming) "It's very Scooby Doo." I think that'll be my new saying as well.

Cobra Starship
Release Date: October 10, 2006
Label: Decaydance

Okay, so here we have an album by a band created for a movie that, despite its hype, floundered at the box office. Worse still, the guest stars from Cobra Starship’s only claim to fame, Snakes On A Plane (Bring It), do not appear on the rest of the tracks, leaving Midtown’s Gabe Saporta to slither (mostly) alone.

Surprisingly, the album’s actually quite fun. Most tracks follow the same indie-emo-dance-rock hybrid that Snakes On A Plane (Bring It) perfected. Long titled tracks like The Church Of Hot Addiction and Send My Love to the Dancefloor, I'll See You in Hell (Hey Mister DJ) don’t stray too far from the kind of hits groups like Panic! At The Disco are churning out. Luckily, Saporta’s voice is not quite as whiny as his emo brothers. In fact, on synth-driven songs like the standout (and absolute surprise) The Kids Are All Fucked Up, it's downright decadent. Surprise #2: The album opens with a scratchy, down tempo dirge (Being from Jersey Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry) and includes a few songs firmly aimed at the dance floor (and not the emo dance floor… but a real one: check out The Ballad Of Big Poppa And Diamond Girl with 80’s guests the Cover Girls).

Cobra Starship has everything wrong going for it. There’s no way it’s going to end up being any more than an odd little footnote in music history. Given that, I was honestly surprised how much I liked it. It’s very now… very trendy… and will be a great laugh in a decade or two. But, it will get you moving. Guaranteed. B

Key Tracks: Snakes On A Plane (Bring It), The Kids Are All Fucked Up, Keep It Simple

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


“Get ready for the ride of your life"

So now for something very different. New York's Bling Kong follow their own anything-goes genre kind of like fellow oddball group Do Me Bad Things. Bling Kong, however, contains four cheerleaders alongside the rest of the band. So, the whole thing sounds a bit cheerish, although it's also quite perverse. Basically, I 'm not really sure exactly how to describe this band. Can you tell? Listen to the song and see what you think. The sound is somewhere between the B-52's and some very oddly fetishized strip club. That being said, I think you'll all enjoy it.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Song #10

Giorgio Moroder - Chase

An oldie but definitely a goodie, the entirely instrumental Chase manages to get you dancing and kind of creep you out as well. The absence of words lets the imagination run. Who knew disco could be so macabre?

Monday, October 09, 2006


“Baby's got those blue skies"

File this song with similar postings from 33hz and the Similou. While Disco Biscuit (I think I'll start using that term on a day-to-day basis) isn't quite as immediate as either of those bands, it is another elastic slice of disco funk with a wicked chorus. Released early in 2005 in the UK, as far as I can tell this track remained sort of an underground club hit more than anything. But, it certainly works if you're in the mood for a disco biscuit. And really, aren't we all?

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Song #9

Sparks - The Ghost Of Liberace

Russel Mael's voice is pretty much suited towards Halloween in any song, but this one (yes, it is actually about the ghost of Liberace) is perfect. It's a funny track sung completely deadpan. I guess that pretty much sums up most of Sparks' musical output, though.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


“I lost myself in someone's song"

The first b-side from Robbie's Rudebox (no, I don't understand or approve of that title) project is this strange little dirge from the Rudebox single. While it's definitely not a runaway pop smash, it is intriguing and strange. Sounding like an electronic folksong sung in the middle of some desolate desert, it is another one of Williams' autobiographical leaning songs. I actually enjoyed Intensive Care (though the b-sides left a lot to be desired) and I can't wait for this new one.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Just a quick update to let you all know that you can watch a short behind-the-scenes video of Melody Club's upcoming video, Destiny Calling. Knowing Swedish of course is a big help as the interviews are completely over my head, but the video looks like it will be cool, complete with Kristofer's trademark crazy dance moves.

“We gonna stick like glue"

I posted a song by this Swedish group way way earlier in the year, and I thought I'd post another song from them today, if only as a plea that they'll come out and release their first album sometime soon (their website has been "under construction" forever). Monkeys On Attack was their original single, and it's a wonderful pop/rock confection in the Melody Club/Ark/Mo vein, which obviously means that I love it like my firstborn.

Midnight Monkeys - Monkeys On Attack

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Song #8

Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban (Soundtrack) - Double Trouble

This song, delivered by a wicked children's choir, was an inspired choice to serve as a teaser for the third installment of the Harry Potter movie series. It works even better as a standalone Halloween treat.

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