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Friday, May 13, 2011

Chris Lilley's 'Angry Boys'

First off, I really did mean to post yesterday, but blogger was down the entire evening so here's yesterday's... today!

Well, I've been waiting for about three years for this. Given that this is (mainly) a music blog, I don't talk a lot about other things I'm into, though longtime readers will probably remember me gushing about the TV series Summer Heights High on several occasions. I'm not a fan of most comedians or comedies in general. It's not that it takes a lot to make me laugh, but it does usually take a really specific style of humor.

Chris Lilley is, hands down, my favorite comic actor out there today. He's given us the fantastic We Can Be Heroes and my favorite comedy series ever, the aforementioned Summer Heights High. There's nothing particularly revolutionary about his mockumentary style (think The Office), but it's the quality of it that really sets his work apart. He's an incredible actor (the way he segues into the skin of all of his different characters is a marvel to behold) and a smart, truthful writer. His Mr. G and Ja'mie are two of my favorite characters in any medium.

So what am I getting at here? Lilley's new series, Angry Boys, premiered this week in Australia. It's been three years in the making and, like all of his work, is created and written by the man himself. It's set to be his longest series yet at twelve episodes, and sees a batch of new (yet oddly familiar) characters, as well as the characters of Nathan and Daniel from We Can Be Heroes. Sadly, nobody from Summer Heights High is back (I'm still hoping for a feature length Mr. G project with a new "arena spectacular").

It was with incredible anticipation that I watched the first Angry Boys episode a few nights ago. Unlike previous series, Lilley didn't introduce all of his characters in one night, choosing to instead focus on only three (Nathan and Daniel and new character "Gran"). While I found Gran to be pretty funny, though a bit like past Lilley creations, brothers Nathan and Daniel have never been my favorites. In fact, I'd go as far as saying they're my least favorite Lilley creations. From the previews I've seen, I look forward to Jen, the "manipulative Japanese mother." She seems to be the funniest character by far. What can I say? I'm a sucker for Lilley in drag. He's just so good at playing women.

As far as the first episode, the jury's still out for me personally. I didn't laugh a whole lot, but I'm not sure that's a huge problem because Lilley's creations often pack a heart-filled dose of reality that isn't always laugh out loud funny. After all, both WCBH and SHH ended on painful, heartbreaking moments for some of the characters. I'm wondering if Angry Boys will further explore the dramatic side of Lilley's creativity. From the previews, it's hard to tell.

One thing I can say, though, is that it's going to be awfully hard to top Summer Heights High. In fact, I think I'm better off not comparing the two and just enjoying Angry Boys for what it is. Either way, it's great to have Lilley back. It's been far too long.

Anyone else watching? Or if not, do we have any We Can Be Heroes/Summer Heights High fans lurking around here?

(very short) Trailer:

And my absolute FAVORITE Mr. G scene from the Summer Heights High bonus features:

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Take That - Love Love

"Give it all away"

Take That's Progress was one of my favorite albums of last year. X-Men: First Class is one of my most anticipated movies of the summer. Somewhere between the two, there's been an unexpectedly amazing intersection. Love Love sounds like something off Progress, but is actually on the soundtrack to X-Men (never thought I would write that). It's a great glam/electro track reminiscent of their last single Kidz. They've been making such sci-fi oriented music of late. It's a genre (if you can call it a "genre") that's completely different to anything else out there. This song has an incredibly layered, lush sound to it. I wonder if it was left over from the album or specially recorded for this? On a related note, Gary Barlow's been long-rumored to take Simon Cowell's place on the UK judging panel of X-Factor. I can't say I'm thrilled. His speaking voice grates. And when the band's making music this good, they should stick to recording.

Take That - Love Love by zzmkl

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jedward - Lipstick

"She's got her lipstick on"

It's Eurovision week! More specifically, today is the first semifinal where roughly half of the acts for the final will be chosen. None of my favorites are in this round, but I'm still interested to see what happens. My favorite in the contest, though, is ex-X-Factor novelty twins Jedward and their ridiculously fun (and kinda stupid) Lipstick. Jedward have always entertained me, from their off-key antics on X-Factor to their train wreck of a reality show, but I never thought they'd actually record a song that I'd like. I don't know how they'll do in the contest (their live "vocals" leave much to be desired), but I think they'll either place really well or really poorly. There's no middle ground for an act like this. (fun fact: Ireland, the country these guys are representing, have won the contest more than any other country, including a three year (!) streak in the mid-90's)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Monday, May 09, 2011

Lady Gaga - The Edge Of Glory

"I'm on the edge with you"

It's been a strange pattern with me and Lady Gaga songs this go-round. It seems like, on first listen, I've loved both of the singles released from the upcoming album, then I go through a period where I'm underwhelmed until I see the music videos and I become obsessed again. Time will tell if it'll be the same with this new song, but for now I've gotta say I am pretty impressed. This is the kind of euphoric, synth-dripped anthem that's basically a modern 80's power ballad set to a disco beat song that I thought could only be released by my favorite Swedish singers/bands. To think that she's brought this kind of melodic, giant pop back to the States is highly gratifying. I hope that the album follows suit, because this is the exact kind of music she should be making right now. It's like Born This Way kicked up a notch. I hope this becomes an official single so that we can get a video as dramatic as the song.

Lady Gaga - The Edge of Glory by eddylavish

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


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