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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hahaha... I love it!

1. Last Flight To San Francisco
2. Give Me The Night
3. Let It Rain
4. The Destiny Of Love
5. Gomenasai
6. We Should Be Dancing
7. Stay with you again
8. Rhythm Drives Me Crazy
9. Save My Pride
10. Happiness
11. Hooked On The Danger
12. Concrete Jungle
13. Paradise On Mars
14. Chariots Of Fire
15. Save My Pride (The Attic Remix Radio Edit)
16. The Destiny Of Love (The Attic Remix Radio Edit)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Alienhits Introduces: The Cops

First Single: Call Me Anytime

An instantly rousing 80's power pop throwback, this song ushered in the band's new sound and did so spectacularly. The bridge is absolutely unstoppable. The video's pretty funny too.

Second Single: The Message

A far funkier, more disco-oriented record, this single sounds like something that Maroon 5 might come up with. The unexpected riffs in the middle of the track are amazing.

The Cops - Hot Weapon

"Low rider, race decider, power slider"

Australia's The Cops are one of my favorite recent discoveries. In many ways, they're like The Cars brought back to life with their uber catchy 80's pop rock. Their full length debut, Drop It In Their Laps, is a near perfect summer pop album (with a great cover!) and it was hard for me to choose which track to post today. I decided to go with Hot Weapon, which is probably the goofiest song on the album. It's like a Greased Lightning recorded in 2007 with an 80's sheen. So ridiculous, yet so very catchy. Plus, it's got saxophone in it (following the trend set by magnificent singles from Sahara Hotnights and The Ark earlier in the year).

The Cops - Hot Weapon (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

!!! - Must Be The Moon

"Sometimes it's just one of those nights"

I remember a few years ago I excitedly bought !!!'s (pronounced chk chk chk) first album, hearing such amazing things about it and enticed by the cool, colorful cover. Then, I put it in the cd player and was utterly disappointed. The beats were funky, no doubt, but there were no songs attached to them... just a lot of aimless vocals. Years later, though, with their second album, !!! have discovered the art of songwriting, and nowhere is that more apparent than on their fantastic single Must Be The Moon. Mixing Scissor Sisters with the Lovemakers and drawing on a million influences in between, the track's a catchy party starter with an amazing beat. The video is very cool as well. I love the lead singer's caveman-chic outfit. It looks like the guys have found style too.

!!! - Must Be The Moon (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Joy Serene - Try To Stop Us Now

"Preparing for the day, the day for loving in strange ways"

Joy Serene is a new Swedish band actually recommended to me by one of my readers. All they've released is a four track promo (available for free download here), and though the songs are more or less in demo form, they show a lot of promise. Try To Stop Us Now is actually quite remeniscent of Erasure in sound and subject matter. They have another song available on their website called Pure And White that also sounds pretty promising. A band to watch, for sure.

Joy Serene - Try To Stop Us Now (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Download more for free here!)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


The new Delays album will be called Everything's The Rush and the recording for it has finished!!
The Revelations - You're The Loser

"That's good enough, good enough for anyone but me"

This song is itunes Australia's free track of the week, even though this girl group is from the UK. For those missing The Pipettes, you should definitely listen to The Revelations. They're an old fashioned Phil Spector-ish girl group in every sense of the word. More importantly, You're The Loser is a short, punchy blast of pop harmonies and sugary melodies. I'm not sure if it's necessarily a "revelation," but it is a welcome summer distraction.

The Revelations - You're The Loser (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Snuten - Rollerboy

"High into the galaxy, love awaits you there"

Snuten is a genre twisting, comical pop group from Norway. Their new single Entourage, off their newest album We Never Learn is absolutely amazing. Rollerboy, though, is an older song that makes me laugh incredibly hard whenever I hear it. Not only is it a bit of a joke, but it's also an insanely catchy pop song. It's a bit more electro than some of their stuff, with a simple refrain and some truly bizarre lyrics. It kind of reminds me of something that would have been on the Scissor Sisters' demo album (before they became more mainstream).

Snuten - Rollerboy (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Download more for free here!)