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Friday, October 21, 2011

Foxy Shazam - Teenage Demon Baby

"It's funny how this old dead piece of land makes us feel so alive"

Another Friday, another Halloween song. Today it's a b-side from Foxy Shazam's most recent album, a deliriously fun track with a great title. But it's definitely more than the title. Foxy have managed to combine elements of Meat Loaf, Rocky Horror Picture Show and power pop in one tight, uber-catchy pop song. And it didn't even make the album! While the lyrics are not necessarily tailored to Halloween, the energy and hook make it very appropriate for October. What a great song to get a party started! Of course, that could be said about most Foxy tracks...

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Sound Of Arrows - Wonders

"I'll never forget how you made me feel"

Soon, folks. Soon we will be presented with The Sound Of Arrows' first album. I'm dying to hear it, but this next single will have to tide me over for a couple more weeks. Wonders follows their previous releases in sound and style. If I were to compare it to one of the past three singles, I'd say it's the most like Nova. And, of all we've heard, it's also the first that didn't hit me instantly. It's more of a grower, but retains their epic cosmic instrumentation and breathy vocals. I have a feeling this is gonna be a remarkably consistent album. When it comes to this song, though, what I'm really anticipating is the music video. The band know how to craft memorable, jaw-droppingly beautiful videos. I hope this one's no different!

The Sound Of Arrows - Wonders by WorkItMedia

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Your Favorite Songs... Sped Up

Sometimes something that should be horrible turns out to be quite entrancing. There's a trend on youtube (I'm sure it's been going on for years) of speeding pop songs up. With a bit of a pitch change, you can make any song sound like Scooter. Remember Scooter? Sheesh. I was never a fan, but some of these tracks--particularly ballads and midtempos--sound quite striking when sped up to Scooter-esque levels. Here are two that I've become very... captivated by over the past week. The Take That song in particular sounds amazing as a sped up rave. It's actually kind of beautiful in a Japanese Anime sort of way.

Take That - The Flood

Isn't that amazing? This next one's a little more chipmunk-like, but still addictive.

Adele - Rolling In The Deep

And just for fun, because it's hilarious:

One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

And yes, I'm fully aware that this is one of the most random posts I've ever put on this blog :)

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Foxy Shazam - I Like It

"Ain't it sexy?"

I'm SO excited! Not only do Foxy Shazam have a new single out (for free!), but they'll be releasing a new album in January! I like I Like It a lot, and may even grow to love it, but I do have my (very slight) qualms. The sound is perched between their old stuff (which isn't to my taste) and their most recent release (which was my #1 album of last year). So, my excitement is tempered just a little by a worry that they've moved away from that clean, melodic production of the last album. Only time will tell. And that's it for the griping, because honestly, the more I listen to this, the more I love it. It's silly, sure, but that hook is undeniable. If we're comparing them to Queen (which they are quite similar to), this is more along the lines of Sheer Heart Attack or Tie Your Mother Down then, let's say, We Are The Champions or Don't Stop Me Now. It's got a strong Darkness influence, which makes sense because Justin Hawkins has been involved (a very good thing). God, now that I know this album is coming out, I don't think I'll be able to wait another three months to hear it!

Edit: I've already upgraded my "like." I officially love this song.

Foxy Shazam - I Like It by johnoprea

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Download the single for free here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


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