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Friday, September 16, 2011

Caotico & Tove Styrke - Brains Out

"The air was filled with the scent of dumb lovers"

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday. It was my Book Launch Author Event, so it was a very busy (but fun!) day. But now I'm back with a song. A SONG, all in caps. It's that good. This is the kind of single I listen to and I just wanna run to the nearest rooftop and proclaim its brilliance. This reminds me of the Swedish alt pop music I fell so deeply in love with all those years ago. It's just brilliant. Half of that brilliance comes from the always reliable Tove Styrke (when the hell is her new album out?) and the other half is thanks to newcomers Caotico. They're the kind of cool pop band (they look awesome in the video, might I say) that only Sweden can produce. Like an edgier the Similou. The subject of the song is absolutely filthy and the chorus is not something that you're gonna want to play in front of your kids, but none of that really matters to me. It's not about the lyrics (as funny/direct as they are). It's totally the melody and production. There's a huge Prince influence, but it's set against a bubbly electo-pop beat that's just dripping with attitude. Honestly, this song might single-handedly restore my faith in the Swedish indie scene. Do yourself a favor and listen!! The video's pretty damn awesome, too.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Learn more about them here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Son Of A kid - Run Sucker Run

"You're staring into a loaded gun"

First they were Dyno, then Set Fire Run, and now it's Son Of A Kid. Luckily, with all of the name changes, the music hasn't changed all that much. It's remained incredibly strong. Son Of A Kid is now a solo project, but you're still gonna love it. Run Sucker Run packs a walloping chorus and some awesome, swirling production tricks. And best of all, it's up for free download! If you like this, I'd urge you to check out his other tracks on soundcloud, particularly the very 80's, all French Libertine (which is also a free download). I get the sense that this project is in its experimental phase and there's a lot of interesting stuff happening. Hopefully we'll get some solid news about possible releases down the line.

Run Sucker Run by sonofakid

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Fall TV To-Watch List

Ah, Fall TV season. Always exciting, usually disappointing. Most shows I end up liking get cancelled, and those that become hits end up being something I've got no interest in. Still, it's always fun to give new shows a chance and see what sticks out. There's an unusual amount of new series I'm interested in this year. Here's what I plan checking out, along with an excitement rating (#1's the most exciting and it goes down from there).

1. X-Factor
I'm an X-Factor nut. I've watched the UK version since 2006, as well as the Australian and Danish (!) versions. And I went to a filming of the Seattle auditions for the US version. It's really the perfect format for a reality show. And it's so gratifying to see it finally come to America.
(Fox 9/21)

2. Terra Nova
Sci-fi? Spielberg? Family drama? Dinosaurs? Yes, please. I have a feeling this will end up disappointing, but I love ambitious stuff like this. I have my fingers firmly crossed.
(Fox 9/26)

3. Ringer
They had me at Sarah Michelle Gellar. This better end up being the tense thriller it promises to be. But even if not, there's Sarah Michelle Gellar. Come on!
(CW 9/13)

4. American Horror Story
Ryan Murphy doing horror? I loved the whole serial killer arc on the third season of Nip/Tuck, so if this is anything like that, I'm in.
(FX 10/5)

5. The Playboy Club
This has a lot of potential to be very entertaining. I love that they're going for a darker angle. Could be trashy fun.
(NBC 9/19)

6. Revenge
I've loved the trailers, though who knows if this will actually deliver. Its concept certainly sparks my interest.
(ABC 9/21)

7. Once Upon A Time
This could be super interesting or just a super mess. I hear it's plotted like Lost. Not sure about how it's going to work, but I'm eager to give it a try.
(ABC 10/23)

8. Pan Am
I'll be tuning in just to see if the story matches the ambition. The more I read about this, the more I'm curious. I love that it'll include historical aspects.
(ABC 9/25)

9. The Secret Circle
I wasn't originally excited for this, but I'm hearing good things...
(CW 9/15)

10. Suburgatory
The only comedy on my list, and the only one that looks like it (potentially) might not suck.
(ABC 9/28)

And Two Returning Shows I Can't Wait For:

The Walking Dead
The first season was flawless. And I need to see where they're going next!
(AMC 10/16)

The Middle
My favorite on-air sitcom. It's a shame I'll have to tape it since the X-Factor is on the same night.
(ABC 9/21)


Monday, September 12, 2011

Gypsy & The Cat - Jona Vark

"Her name is Jona"

Gypsy & The Cat are a band that I have desperately wanted to like more than I actually do. I've had their album since it came out late last year and have enjoyed it each time I listen to it, but something seems to be missing. It's the kind of album that flows together so effortlessly that it's almost like one long song. Very pleasant, in an ethereal, synthy 8o's sort of way, but it's hard to pick a standout. The success of this song in Germany (it was featured in a popular promo), has sort of remedied this situation. Jona Vark is going to end up being the band's breakthrough single. Like their other songs, it's a subdued pop track. Lush, atmospheric production meets a beautiful, harmonized chorus. It's a very stately, and reminds me of 70's/80's soft-pop bands like Fleetwood Mac and Toto. There's a nice mix of acoustic guitars, airy electronica, and BeeGees/Hall & Oates style vocals. it's made me reevaluate the album yet again. I'm still not sure I 100% love it, but I definitely appreciate it. And I have very high hopes for the next one.

Gypsy And The Cat - Jona Vark by mybigmouth

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


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