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Friday, September 17, 2010

Ola - Riot

"It's time to get to work"

This is Swedish popstar Ola's version of American urban dance music, synthesized and tweaked so much that the vocals sound more like a robot than a person at times. This is usually a bad thing, but it's not a part of Ola's repertoire, which makes it interesting. In fact, his new album seems like one big experiment in different popular pop styles, trying to find something that sticks. This isn't necessarily a complaint, though I'll always be a fan of his old Bassflow sound. And while this song is derivative in so many ways, Ola's voice (even warped and computerized) remains an absolute treat. There's a definite formula to this, but it's a formula because it works. Don't think too much, just enjoy it.

Ola - Riot by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bjorn Johan Muri - Once Upon A Time

"I can look for that happily ever after"

Oh, Bjorn Johan Muri. You've yet to release a bad single, yet your just released album still eludes me. Why isn't there some worldwide itunes store? Is it really that difficult? This region restriction they've got going on in music is just infuriating. Anyways, this is the latest single from Mr. Muri and it's an incredibly pleasant midtempo synth-o-rama, performed in the same breezy, dreamy style as his previous singles. The rap is a little unnecessary, but the melody (and earworm of a chorus) completely makes up for it. There's a thoroughly modern, trendy sound to this, yet at the same time it's quite different than most things on the radio. More importantly, Bjorn's picked a sound and stuck with it. This lends his material a consistency that most pop singers seem to be missing nowadays. The album clips sound great, too. Excited for this!

Bjorn Johan Muri - Once Upon A Time (ft. LidoLido) by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album (if you live in Europe...) here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sweet Thing - Change Of Seasons

"Where we're going I don't know"

I always like to see a good Canadian band break through. Living where I do, against the B.C. border, I feel very close to Canadians and the Canadian music scene. Sweet Thing are a very exciting new band from the country, a five-piece Toronto group that finds success in a combination of sounds. It's rock, for sure, but with a jagged dance edge, some Queen-style pomp and a great sense of melody. Change Of Seasons is their latest single, a tropical-infused singalong that uses Beach Boys-esque back-up vocals to great effect. The drums and chugging guitar on this are intense, sort of a mini Dog Days Are Over tethered to a light, breezy melody with a soaring, simple hook. I've yet to delve into the album as a whole, but I'm very excited about hearing it based on this and other singles.

Sweet Thing - Change Of Seasons by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ollie Wride - Silhouettes

"Like a thief in the night, I'll wait for you"

I can't even tell you how excited I am about Ollie Wride. In my opinion, he's everything Mika failed to be. He specializes in the same big, glossy 80's pop but his voice and songwriting really make him a force to be reckoned with. His uptempos, like the addictive Head Rush, are among the best music I've heard all year. Silhouettes is a bit different, and shows off his pensive, subtle side. It's a gorgeous, atmospheric 80's synth ballad reminiscent of such greats as Roxy Music's Avalon. His flawless vocals are used to great effect here. Best of all, though, the guy seems to have a real idea of where he's going with all of this. There's an undeniable style to him. So important when dealing with this kind of music.

Silhouettes by Ollie Wride

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Tinashe - If You Say So

"I'll be yours"

Tinashe's debut album is out today and it's a great example of modern, British pop/rock. There's a little bit of The Feeling in there, a little bit of Mika, some Kooks... all swirled around in a blender and polished until it sheens. I wish there were more songs like his single Zambezi, though that's a big ask because that track is literally a masterpiece. What we've got instead is a collection of potential singles with just enough individuality and charm to set them apart in the pop landscape. Tinashe's expressive voice is always at the forefront, with his unique phrasing and lyrical observations. If You Say So is the second track, a punchy, percussion driven pop song with a melody that'll lodge in your brain. It sounds a lot like something you would've heard on the first Feeling album. That's a very good thing. Whether or not Tinashe will get the radio love that he deserves remains to be seen. If he does, though, he'll be unstoppable.

Tinashe - If You Say So by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


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