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Friday, June 10, 2011

Le Kid - America

"Baby just dry your eyes"

This has been out for a few weeks now and a number of bloggers have written about it, but just in case you haven't heard this single yet, I thought I'd draw your attention to it. As well as being highly regarded songwriters and producers in the Swedish pop music scene, Le Kid are a fantastic band in their own right (think Sweden's answer to Alphabeat) that are going to release what's sure to be one of the best pop albums of the summer. This is their new single and may very well be their best. America is a lush, soaring melodic song perched halfway between ballad and dance track. It's about as pop as pop gets, and I mean that in the best of ways. There's no reliance on gimmicky trends when it comes to production (which is exactly why this would never be successful in the States). It's down to superb lyrics and--most importantly--a surging, emotional hook. As the song builds, it really explodes into something quite epic. These guys need to stop writing about America and come over here to write for some of our pop stars. We could certainly use them!

Le Kid - America by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Thursday, June 09, 2011

Foster The People - Call It What You Want

"We'll make a world of our own"

Foster The People's debut EP was one of my favorite releases of the first part of the year. Three perfect pop songs, no filler. Unfortunately, I'm not as enamored by the full album. Those three tracks stick out like crazy on a full-length that's more often forgettable than exciting. This is, of course, my opinion. I know plenty that have loved the album. And even though I'm not blown away, there's some nice stuff on there. Call It What You Want would be my pick for next single (if the freaking awesome Helena Beat--their best song by a mile--isn't). It's quirky/funky mid-tempo beat and heavily repeated hook remind me of some of the genre bending alternative music of the 90's. It's a nice, laid-back track for the summer. And while I wish that the album as a whole hadn't been so laid-back, I'll easily add this song to the EP and hope that the next release will be even better.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Britt Love - Come With Me

"We'll make a world of our own"

I was a huge fan of UK girl duo Mini Viva, back when it looked like they could be the next big thing. Unfortunately, after releasing their best single (One Touch), they were dropped before even getting to record an entire album. Luckily, the more interesting/unique voice of the two, Britt Love, is going solo with some dynamite dance pop. The clips on her facebook page sound amazing, but to fully whet your appetite, Come With Me is available to download for free. All you have to do is "like" her page and sign up for her mailing list. Well worth it, definitely. The song has a major Robyn "With Every Heartbeat" vibe, though it's more easily pinned to a specific era (ie: the 80's). And even with all of the pulsing electronics and flourishes, Britt's one-of-a-kind vocals are the highlight. This girl is a pop star, through and through.

Britt Love - Come With Me by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Download the song and listen to more here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Movie Blitz 6/7/11

My last Movie Blitz was pretty depressing, with a load of disappointing movies. Now that the Spring/Summer's upon us, there's been quite a change!

X-Men: First Class
I grew up with the comics and have always been a big fan of the movie franchise. And unsurprisingly, I loved this reboot/prequel. It's right up their with the Star Trek reboot from a couple of years ago. Smart, well acted and cast, and completely thrilling (even if they messed with some of the continuity). The truth is, even though I'm a built-in audience, I didn't think I'd like it as much as I did! A

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules
Another thing I'm a fan of. The books are hilarious and the first movie was quite the little charmer. I think this is even better than the first one, though. The cast has really grown into their roles and the middle-school humor is always cringingly, realistically awkward. A-

I wasn't sure what to expect from this movie, but I had high hopes. It ended up being even more enjoyable than I thought it would. Amazing direction and acting make this a solid thriller, but the real jolt of human emotion sets it above the pack. A

Fast Five
I'm not a fan of this franchise (although, to be honest, I've only seen #4), but as an action movie, this blew me away. Sure, the writing/acting can be cliched and eye-rolling, but this has the best action sequences I've seen in years. Stuff that'll really take your breath away. That entire last sequence? WOW. A-

I make it a point to see every Marvel Comics movie, as I was such a Marvel nut growing up. Thor's never been one of my favorites. They did what they could with him, but I found myself slightly underwhelmed. Still, it's a solid lead-in for next year's sure-to-be-epic Avengers movie. B-

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Monday, June 06, 2011

Ultraviolet Sound - Dead On The Dancefloor

"Music is my freedom"

Ultraviolet Sound are that rare thing: a genuine, American electropop group. With emphasis on the POP. This is the kind of music I expect to see coming out of Scandinavia, so it was a great surprise when I heard their single Girl Talk on the radio the other day. It's no Alphabeat (Americans aren't capable of being that unironically joyful), but it's about as close as we're gonna get. Dead On The Dancefloor, one of several standouts from their new album, is a pulsing dance track with a real 80's feel. Sarah Hudson's vocals have a glossy, cotton candy feel to them, reminiscent of similar acts like Jessie & The Toy Boys and Alice In Videoland. I could honestly do with a little less of a Hot Topic look for them when it comes to styling, but that's a minor gripe.

Ultraviolet Sound - Dead On The Dancefloor by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


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