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Friday, November 07, 2008

Kemopetrol - Already Home

"I've already won"

Kemopetrol are a synthpop group from Finland, which is a bit of an oddity coming from a country known more for its dark metal than any other genre of music. Kemopetrol's songs are bright and shiny, as evidenced by the monstrous synth riff that opens Already Home, the lead track of their most recent album. The single, Planet, is even poppier in its ultra-disco-glamour. I really like the chorus to this song, though, and the general stateliness of the production. The band have a new album coming out next year, so hopefully that will be even better.

Kemopetrol - Already Home (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here!)

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Neo - Bachelor

"Finally saying goodbye to yesterday"

Total cheese today. If you don't like cheese, look elsewhere. You've been warned.
The always reliable DontStopThePop recommended new Swedish artist Neo a few days back, comparing him to Mika, BWO and even god-of-frontmen Ola Salo. Naturally I had to check him out. While the Salo comparison begins and ends with a few songs that sound a little like his voice, I totally agree that the album is a mash-up between Mika and BWO. Sound good? You bet it is! A few of the songs are a bit too sugary even for my tastes, but there's a lot to love on his debut. The first track to stand out to me (beside the obvious will-be-a-single Flower Power Supergirl) is Bachelor. It's just so... peppy. I love the chorus especially. Beware, though. You'll hear it once and won't be able to lodge it out of your memory.

Neo - Bachelor (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here!)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Pop Noir - Girls Of Prey

"So you run away"

I featured Pop Noir's brilliant Don't Fool Yourself some time ago and now they've got a new song available for download. Girls Of Prey has been compared to New Order, which I think is pretty accurate. It's got that smooth, pulsing synth-assisted rock sound (is that enough adjectives for you?). More than that, though, it's another testament to the enormous potential of this young American band. They strike a perfect balance between indie and pop, with an emphasis on simple, catchy choruses like the one found here. Definitely a band to watch.

Pop Noir - Girls Of Prey (download)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here!)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I'm forgoing a post today in favor of watching election results come rolling in. Be back tomorrow, hopefully with a new President Obama!

Monday, November 03, 2008

I Am Finn - Fall Down

"Fall down and get up again"

Back with normal posts today and I've got a 100000% (imagine that's possible) flawless track from an artist I've never featured before but have followed for quite a long time. Unfortunately, news is pretty slow in I Am Finn land after a tour with the Hoosiers, but I'm hoping that he releases an EP or some new songs soon. Fall Down was available for free on his website for awhile (not sure if it still is) and it's my favorite track from him. It's funky, 80's and totally danceable. It reminds me a little bit of Prince in some spots but it's more straightforward new wave pop/rock than r&b or funk. Regardless of the genre, though, it just may be one of the best songs you hear all year.

I Am Finn - Fall Down (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here!)
