Set Fire Run - I Don't Mind At All

It's 2011's first Set Fire Run post! There are bound to be many more. These guys are going to be big this year, dammit! They've just got to be. The sheer amount of epic tunes they've churned out pre-album is staggering. This is the latest: a herky-jerky synth attack that's been lodged in my head for the past week or so. With many of my favorite Swedish bands reaching their later years, it's about time we get a new breed on the radio. I would be overjoyed if Set Fire Run were a part of that. The guys have a new facebook page for their new name and, if you're not a "fan" of it yet, I urge you to go there and become one. They're always posting exclusive streams of tracks and tend to reveal more when they get more fans. It's a new age in the recording industry. Online and fan support is more important than ever. And Set Fire Run deserve to have an army behind them.
I Don't Mind At All by setfirerun
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Become a facebook fan here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Labels: Dyno, Set Fire Run