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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Twin Twin - Là-haut

Poor Twin Twin. Coming last in Eurovision is a dubious distinction, but they share it with many other fine artists. I mean, my favorite band ever, The Ark, came close to bottom when they competed in 2007. Twin Twin were the quintessential example of exciting, yet off-kilter, pop that was going to either do really well or really poorly depending on what voters were looking for. There is no middle ground with groups like this. I liked their song well enough to check out the album, and I'm very glad that I did. They come off like a more palatable French LMFAO, with a little Iglu and Hartly thrown in for good measure. It's fun pop party music that's really, really well produced. And among all the solid tracks is this absolute gem. Seriously, this is one of the best things I've heard all year. It's that chorus! It just hits me in all the right places. It has a summery, beach-party vibe to it that's irresistible. No idea what they're saying, and I don't care. This will be streaming from my speakers OFTEN in the next few months.

Là-haut by Twin Twin on Grooveshark

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook


Monday, May 12, 2014

Ola Salo - I Got You (ft. Kleerup)

"People may say whatever they do"

My birthday is on Thursday, but I got an early, unexpected present this morning when this track made its way online. I Got You is a collaboration between Ola Salo and Kleerup. How's that for a dream team? Of course, Ola Salo was the lead singer of The Ark, my favorite band of all time (as if you didn't already know). I didn't expect to hear solo stuff from him until his stint on Så Mycket Bättre this Fall (which I'm so excited about). Then there's Kleerup, a frequent collaborator with Robyn (aka: the best female popstar on the planet). The final product sounds more like Ola than Kleerup, but it's also much different than anything he's done in the past. It's a strange hybrid of 90's trip-hop and rock anthem, with a huge hook and even a choir! I feel like the treble on the production is a little overwhelming... but it could just be my lame computer speakers. Or maybe I'm just used to bass, and there really isn't any to be found here (which I guess is probably the point). It's a little messy, but each time I listen to it I like it more than the last. And, my god! Ola is back!!!

*Edit: Got a chance to listen through decent speakers and, yes, it's a thousand times more effective.

I Got You (ft. Kleerup) by Ola Salo on Grooveshark

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

