Flashback Friday: Moving Pictures - Back To The Streets

There is so much amazing older music that I don't get a chance to feature on here that often. So, I'd like to start a new feature. Every Friday (or maybe most Fridays, depending on the week), I'm going to highlight a track from the past that could easily stand next to the current stuff I usually write about. Today, I've got a song by Moving Pictures. They were an Australian band who released two albums in the early to mid-80's. They're best know for their (excellent) power ballad What About Me and their (even better) track from the Footloose soundtrack, Never. Back To The Streets is the lead track on their hard-to-find second album, Matinee. It's a classic, rollicking power-rock song with soaring vocals. I wish this kind of music was still in vogue today. It's got such drive and ferocity to it, while still maintaining an ultra poppy core. And Alex Smith's lead vocals are flawless.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Labels: Flashback Friday, Moving Pictures