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Monday, September 18, 2006

Jesse McCartney - Right Where You Want Me
Release Date: September 19
Label: Hollywood Records

On Right Where You Want Me, teen pop star Jesse McCartney attempts to extend his fifteen minutes with a stab at rock maturity. Basically, this involves nicking Maroon 5’s style and running with it. Unfortunately, the album’s sound is dated and has been for some time.

The title track (and first single) will probably be a deserved semi-hit. It’s the most immediate thing on the album and fits McCartney’s thin, nasal voice. In fact, much of the album is full of retreads of the first song, though all are inferior. Worst of all are Right Back In The Water and Tell Her, or as I like to call them, Droopy Ballad #1 and Droopy Ballad #2. Neither of these songs have the bombast or vulnerability that superior teenage ballads exhibit. Better is Invincible, which tells the story of a fatal drinking-and-driving accident. Lyrically it’s obvious, but at least McCartney seems to feel it. Less successful are Can't Let You Go and We Can Go Anywhere, a pair of atrociously detached rockers.

Jesse McCartney is better suited to Radio Disney fair. After all, Beautiful Soul and Because You Live (both off his major label debut) were legit, catchy pop hits. While they were undeniably bubblegum, they were also fun and urgent. Right Where You Want Me is neither. Instead it’s a long, arduous collection of factory-pressed wannabe-rock that feels hollow and forgettable. D+

Key Tracks: Right Where You Want Me, Feelin’ You, Invincible


Blogger Poster Girl said...

This is why I shouldn't preorder albums without listening to anything on them first...well, hopefully I'll like at least a couple of tracks on it when it arrives :-/ I guess I'll just have to buy a bunch of really good stuff to cleanse my ears.

And on Maroon 5--I'm worried that they think their first album was "weak and limp"--what does that mean the followup is going to sound like?

6:05 PM  
Blogger Nick said...

strong and erect?

sorry...had to.

But I don't think their old stuff was weak at all. I did get a bit sick of it after the umpteenth radio spin of This Love, but I bet their new album will be great.

7:15 PM  

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