Foxy Shazam - Holy Touch

"Kick down the door and hold me"
Foxy Shazam is back! I'll give a full review of their very good album next week when it's officially released. After all, I'm still digesting it. In some ways, it's very different than their last one. Yet it's also a natural progression. They've gone further into classic rock territory, while still managing to up the bombast (I mean, check out (It's) Too Late Baby. That's like bombast personified). The band have been nice enough to share one of the album's best tracks a few days early. Holy Touch is the kind of ultra-hooky, melodic punch of rock that this country's been missing for years. Now that the Ark's retired, I'm ready to hand over the title of best rock band to Foxy Shazam. They've really got it all. And Eric Nally is pretty much a superstar.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Download the album here if you want it a few days early (I did). Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Labels: Foxy Shazam