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Thursday, June 04, 2015

Muse - Mercy

I haven't really been following Muse lately. I knew they had a new album coming, but I'm more of a casual fan. And looking at it casually, they seem to be the type of band that basically just releases the same album over and over again. Now, most artists are like this (including most of my favorites), so I'm certainly not judging. It's just that their style of pomp rock isn't always to my taste. I tend to enjoy their poppier side, especially when they go for a real anthemic melody. I haven't listened to the new album yet, but Mercy has me curious. I'm in love with that opening piano hook and the propulsive beat that builds as the track goes along. I'm sure it won't please fans of their harder material, but to me melody is always key. This is Muse at their most Queen-esque, from the Freddie Mercury belted notes to the multi-layered vocals in the chorus.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Bigbang - Bang Bang Bang

Let's talk about Bigbang for a second. They are K-Pop royalty, and one of the first bands in the genre that I became obsessed with. After years away from the scene, 2015 was billed as their year, with over eight singles released monthly. I was so incredibly excited for what was in store. And while Loser has grown on me quite a bit, I've gotta say their output has been a bit on the 'meh' side for me so far, especially compared with their flawless 2012 era. Bang Bang Bang was released yesterday, and has me all confused. For the first minute or so, I was pumped that this would finally be the BB I'd been waiting for. Then when the chorus hit, I literally groaned. Instead of something melodic and energetic, they went for that tired, lazy, horrible "trap breakdown" that seems to be so popular these days. The song suddenly slows to a crawl, loses all momentum and basically just dies. What a crushing disappointment. I mean, this is Bigbang! Creators of Haru Haru, Monster, Lies, Fantastic Baby, Love Song... the list goes on. It's like they forgot about the importance of an actual chorus in favor of pandering to "what the kids like." I'm sure it will grow on me--such is my loyalty as a fan--but I can't help but fear for mainstream music. I mean, repeating the words "bang bang bang" over an unimaginative trap beat is not a chorus. Anyone can do that. This is BIGBANG. We expect a hell of a lot more. At least the video's flashy (if not a little offensive).

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Monday, June 01, 2015

Seventeen - Shining Diamond

This is the kind of old school K-pop that I want more and more of this year. I've been following Seventeen through their reality show, and I was instantly taken by the band's size (13 members!), sound (super pop) and charisma. Of all the Korean debuts this year so far, I'm probably most excited about them. They released a really addictive single last week, but this album track is just as great (if not better). Shining Diamond is the kind of huge, melodic, Jackson-esque music that made me fall in love with K-Pop in the first place. While other bands within their peer group are aimlessly following the hip-hop trend, there's something refreshingly old-school about Seventeen. Simply put, the track is hook upon hook upon hook... all of them pretty damn flawless. Even better, the group writes, produces and choreographs their own music. They're certainly ones to watch. The accompanying mini-album is also pretty awesome.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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