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Friday, November 09, 2007

Grande - We Did It All

"Come on Mr. Rockstar!"

I received this song in my inbox, checked out the band's myspace, and read that the first genre on their page was "psychobilly." Of course, at first I was like... what kind of blog do they think they're submitting this to? But, the band was from Norway so I gave it a chance. I'm really glad I did. The song is really fantastic, extremely catchy, and really a genre unto itself. For some reason I'm reminded of the Scissor Sisters when I hear it (especially in their Backwoods Discoteque demo days), but the track's much more of a raw, poppy sound. Anyways, make up your own minds. I think you'll dig it, though.

Grande - We Did It All (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Baconflex - Don't Stop Running

"You won't get pushed around no more"

Yeah, it's an unfortunate band name, for sure, but this Danish group is really fantastic. Don't Stop Running is an electropop glam stomper in the vein of Chungking and maybe even a bit of Private and Scissor Sisters. It's one of those instant, insanely catchy tracks that'll get you moving immediately. I've heard a bunch of other stuff from these guys and this is definitely their "hit," if you know what I mean. Now they just need a bit of attention and we could have yet another amazing new Danish band on our hands.

Baconflex - Don't Stop Running (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Listen to more here!)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Bobby Baby - In Ten Years From Now

"Do you remember when we grew up, you didn't like me"

I saw Bobby Baby at Hultsfred in Sweden early this past summer and I was completely entranced by her simple, playful set. I'm not sold on everything I've heard from her music-wise (some of it's a bit slow), but I love this track. Over soft electronica you've got some beautiful Sarah Mclaughlin-ish vocals (if Mclaughlin was Swedish and not boring). However, the thing that sets this tune apart from others by Bobby Baby is the chorus. It's simple, not too flashy, but undeniably addictive.

Bobby Baby - In Ten Years From Now (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Download more for free here!)

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Cobra Starship - The City Is At War

"With designer drugs and designer friends"

I'm really on the fence about Cobra Starship. I'm not quite sure why they exist, actually... a band named for a novelty hit for a novelty movie (their only hit, might I add). Yet, if you were to take a handful of tracks off of each of their albums (including their just released second record) and you'd have a great modern dance rock release. They've recorded quite a bit of emo-crap, for sure, but you can't argue with tracks like The City Is At War, a fist-pumping electro rock stormer. Now they just need to change their name and get rid of the occasional whiny singing.

Cobra Starship - The City Is At War (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Monday, November 05, 2007

Watch If You Dare...

My entire weekend was surrendered to this song and its accompanying video. I made the mistake of "discovering" this video on Saturday and my jaw literally hung open in shock and horror as I watched it. Worse yet, this woman's fucking chain must have put some sort of voodoo curse on me because the song has been replaying in my head for three days straight now. If you're feeling brave, have a look.... and be sure not to miss:

1. The singer's/monster's apparent confusion over the whole ordeal
2. The girl on the right's attractive butt move
3. The swinging of the chain. Oh. My. God.

And, if you're feeling really brave, have a look at the lyrics, which are unbelievably horrifying.

Silverchair - If You Keep Losing Sleep

"You're a tombstone in the mud"

There are some albums that, for one reason or another, get shoved to the side each year by me and don't really deserve it. Initially I ignored Silverchair's new glam record Young Modern and promised myself that I'd get to it eventually. Well, I finally did... and I'm annoyed that it took me this long to get into it. The album is a masterwork with some fantastic multi-part, intricate tracks on it that are a million miles away from what fans of Silverchair are probably used to. One such track is If You Keep Losing Sleep, a glam-inspired song if I've ever heard one. From the beginning, with its stomping beat, you know you're in for something bombastic.

Silverchair - If You Keep Losing Sleep (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)