Grande - We Did It All

"Come on Mr. Rockstar!"
I received this song in my inbox, checked out the band's myspace, and read that the first genre on their page was "psychobilly." Of course, at first I was like... what kind of blog do they think they're submitting this to? But, the band was from Norway so I gave it a chance. I'm really glad I did. The song is really fantastic, extremely catchy, and really a genre unto itself. For some reason I'm reminded of the Scissor Sisters when I hear it (especially in their Backwoods Discoteque demo days), but the track's much more of a raw, poppy sound. Anyways, make up your own minds. I think you'll dig it, though.
Grande - We Did It All (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

"Come on Mr. Rockstar!"
I received this song in my inbox, checked out the band's myspace, and read that the first genre on their page was "psychobilly." Of course, at first I was like... what kind of blog do they think they're submitting this to? But, the band was from Norway so I gave it a chance. I'm really glad I did. The song is really fantastic, extremely catchy, and really a genre unto itself. For some reason I'm reminded of the Scissor Sisters when I hear it (especially in their Backwoods Discoteque demo days), but the track's much more of a raw, poppy sound. Anyways, make up your own minds. I think you'll dig it, though.
Grande - We Did It All (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)