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Friday, September 03, 2010

Chromeo - When The Night Falls (ft. Solange)

"There's something about you girl, and it's rather strange"

On the whole, Chromeo's new album hasn't hit me as instantly as their last one. It's a more muddled affair, with its fair share of filler surrounding a group of very strong tracks. The two singles are amongst these standouts (particularly the awesome Don't Turn The Lights On), but I also found myself drawn to this 80's-tastic track featuring Beyonce's little sister (though she doesn't really do all that much). But her vocals give the song a different texture... a classic Prince-like r&b sound that melds perfectly with the Chromeo aesthetic. The hook is one of the stronger on the album, and the song features the kind of funky guitar solo these guys are known for. I haven't quite made my mind up about the album as a whole, but this is definitely going in my collection.

Chromeo - When The Night Falls (ft. Solange) by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Thursday, September 02, 2010

Kite - Jonny Boy

"Last night I was out clubbing with Jonny Boy"

Kite, my favorite Swedish duo, is back! They've been pulling a Robyn for the last couple of years, releasing a string of EPs in lieu of a full album. Jonny Boy is the lead single from their third EP, and although I don't think it's as strong as past singles, it's always a treat to hear these guys. Nicklas Stenemo, the vocalist, remains one of my favorite singers in music today. And although this sound is pretty far from his former band, The Mo, he's developed a unique vocal style that defines Kite as an experimental pop project to watch. Jonny Boy is more hypnotic than hit, but it rewards repeated plays. The incessant synth riff, which reminds me of whistling, is the star of the show and the earworm that'll keep you coming back. I can't wait to hear the rest of the EP. These guys haven't disappointed yet.

Kite-Jonny Boy by ProgressProductions

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the EP here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Burnham - Catch Me If You Can

"I'm too freakish fast for you this time"

God, this song has been stuck in my head for the past couple of days. Hot glue straight to the skull. It's not going away, either. Of course, that's the point, which prompted me to write about this even though it fits in the tween Hanson-meets-Jonas-meets-Bieber category. In fact, these brothers are opening for Justin Bieber right now (something I'd rather not focus on). Like so many trios before them, the Burnham Brothers play hyper-catchy pop/rock tailor-made for multiple radio spins. This track is co-written with Ryan Tedder, which is interesting because it sounds nothing like what we expect from a Tedder track. This is shout-along bubblegum rock, delivered with androgynous 14-year-old vocals that only up the sugar quotient. It should be terrible, but I actually quite like this. It reminds me of something we'd have heard from alienhits favorite Lil' Chris, another teen "rocker" from a few years ago. For what it is, it's a great song. And that chorus? Dynamite. The video, on the other hand? Awkward.

Burnham - Catch Me If You Can by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jamaica - I Think I Like U 2

"We could stay here for a long time"

To be honest, I find a lot of French music too cool for its own good. Most of it lacks the big melodies that I look for in pop music. So I always approach French bands with a bit of skepticism. Jamaica, though, have bucked the trend by crafting an indie-electronic album filled with catchy hooks and a rock 'n roll sensibility. The single, I Think I Like U 2, is the best of them all. It's reminiscent of Phoenix, another popular French band, but the overall sound has a little more pop to it. They use a lot of distorted guitar, which makes the album seem meatier -- less airy. This track has got the kind of hook that ingratiates itself more and more with each listen. It wasn't until the third time through that I realized how fun this song actually is. And the video seals the deal. Very clever.

Jamaica - I Think I Like U 2 by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Tinashe - Zambezi

"Do you remember the day you let me be the only one?"

I feel slightly behind the curve when I have to find out about a new artist through an outlet like Q Magazine. Usually, we bloggers are way beyond the magazines, but I'm so glad I took the time to read a review of Tinashe's upcoming album because I have found a new obsession. Zambezi is the best single I've heard since Foxy Shazam's Oh Lord back in April. It's simply perfection, a song of such uplift and beauty that it seems timeless the moment you hear it. It's one of those nostalgic tracks that manages to cram every emotion into three minutes, all over a soaring, afro-pop beat that complements the buoyant melody perfectly. Tinashe hails originally from Zimbabwe, but went to school in London. It's an interesting mix of styles, and one that should find him success. Add to that an undeniable x-factor and a distinctive pop voice, and you've got my favorite new solo artist of the year. CHECK THIS OUT. I'm dying to hear the album!!

Tinashe - Zambezi by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


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