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Saturday, September 30, 2006


“'Cause you're too young, yeah you're too young"

In The Morning is the free download of the week on U.S. itunes and I'm glad to be seeing synthpop like this getting proper exposure. Canada's Junior Boys is a duo that plays minimalist soul-inflected dance music. This song is definitely minimal, but it's this that really makes it addicting. You really can't miss with a ridiculously funky beat and breathy vocals. This song has been hanging around the blogs for awhile but I thought I'd shine a renewed spotlight on it.

Junior Boys - In The Morning

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Friday, September 29, 2006

The Killers - Sam’s Town
Release Date: October 3, 2006
Label: Island

Welcome to Sam’s Town, a place of broken dreams, rugged landscapes, and huge rolling choruses. The Killers’ new album is murkier than their last, which means it’s a grower. Gone are the gleaming synth lines and angular guitar, replaced instead by a generous helping of pomp and stadium-friendly rock.

The potential of this formula doesn’t really reveal itself until three tracks in, with the glorious first single When You Were Young. From there the album propels into the anthematic splendor that lead singer Brandon Flowers has decreed in so very many interviews. The ridiculously titled Bling (Confessions Of A King) is another early-album highlight, sounding like a mix between U2, Duran Duran and Deep Forest. It’s dance-rock at its best. Second single Bones is also interesting. Of all the songs, it takes advantage of the Killers’ new barrage of sounds most completely. A brass section here, a choir there. Other songs seek to build on the band’s earlier work, with varying success. Why Do I Keep Counting? revisits the much-loved “I’ve got soul but I’m not a soldier” section from All These Things That I’ve Done and builds a whole song out of that sound. It’s one of the most epic things the Killers have produced thus far. On the flipside, Uncle Johnny is simply Andy, You’re A Star without the provocative androgyny.

Sam’s Town may not end up matching the runaway success of Hot Fuss, but it is at least as good as that record… in different ways, of course. Hot Fuss was made for the dance floor, for dark corners in secret places. Sam’s Town is the complete opposite, at home on open roads, mountain tops, and standing in front of thousands and thousands of screaming fans. A-

Key Tracks: When You Were Young, Bling (Confessions Of A King), Bones


“All of the above, I'm falling in love"

If you like Boy Kill Boy, The Killers, or others of that ilk, you'll love Big City Rock. This Los Angeles band quietly released their debut last March and it's chock full of power-pop anthems. All Of The Above is one of my favorites and probably the most instantly catchy thing they've written. It's like a shot of adrenaline. The synths, guitars, vocals... everything is spot-on. The chorus is also one of those kind that cements itself to your brain after even one listen.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Thursday, September 28, 2006


“I am, I am, I am, I am... I'm your destiny calling"

Melody Club's lead single from their new album Scream (out Nov. 8th!) premiered on their myspace today. It's not any different from their previous stuff, which means that it is of course epic and great. One of the best singles I've heard this year, actually. Tracklisting for their new album (which I didn't even know was coming so soon!) is on their website. Unfortunately their American tour that I was looking forward to has been delayed until February, but that just means that they'll be able to play new stuff! I've got the myspace rip of Destiny Calling for you here. Enjoy. It is absolutely fabulous.


“All I do is hang around with you"

One of the more exciting underground electrorock groups right now is England's Scarlet Soho. They've been around for awhile (I've got a few demos on my computer from years ago), but this is my favorite song of theirs so far. It starts out sounding like one of those old Sweet songs (namely, Blockbuster - complete with siren) and then becomes a nice electro stomp with a good old fashioned pop melody. It's a big sounding record from a little duo and it deserves to be a hit along with similar 80's inspired electro groups.

Scarlet Soho - Programmed To Perfection

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A bit of a Scissor Sisters post...
Allow me to gush:
  • Okay, so while I first heard the album awhile ago (and reviewed it), I actually bought it yesterday when it was finally released in the U.S. I didn't allow myself to listen to the bonus disc until yesterday and now I'm obsessed all over again. Making Ladies.... wow that is one of the funniest things I've heard in awhile, especially when "Kathy" comes in...
  • Speaking of the U.S., I've got a feeling that Ta-Dah might just break the Sisters over here. As of this very moment, they have the #1 album on U.S. itunes, a feat that at once startles and overjoys me.
  • Then again, many FYE/Sam Goody/etc. stores may not even carry the album! All because of these very true statements by Mr. Shears. But, thank god that the hideousness that is Wal-Mart is carrying the album (along with their assortment of guns and bibles).
  • Most astonishingly, I just found out that Shears grew up in Friday Harbor, a small island town that is literally an hour away from where I live by ferry. I've been there tons of times and I can't believe that I didn't know about this.


“All of us stand and point our fingers straight down"

Australia's Eskimo Joe are now on their second single from their new album but I'm in love with this, their first. It starts off a bit ominous, but then launches into a gorgeous verse, which seems to incorporate sounds from INXS, Live, and maybe even some of Savage Garden's knack for melody. The chorus makes a late appearance, but there's so many hooks buried in here that you won't even notice. This song reminds me of when "modern rock" used to be kind of good (i.e. the nineties). Also, I love the lyrics.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


“And it's one step forward and two steps back"

This song is currently doing the rounds on Swedish radio and I find myself addicted to it. It's definitely indie rock but it's got a nice shiny chorus and an altogether clever sound. I'm not entirely sure how I'd like a whole album from this group, but this song plays well on radio for sure. There's a bit of an electronic influence but it's mostly just indie-guitar-pop. This is the opening song from their new (brilliantly titled) album Stop The Tape! Stop The Tape!.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Monday, September 25, 2006


“Don't you want to shut up?"

Lamont just released their new single today for free download on their website. In an interesting move, they've decided to make the download free and have the option of paying for the cd single case and a customized cd-r to burn it on. Interesting move, and really nice for the fans. Regardless of format, though, Rather Do It was produced by Ola Salo (among others) from the glorious Ark! His stamp is all over this song, with its catchy electro pounce and glam rock vocals. It could have practically been a b-side off of the Ark's last album, and of course that means I am loving it in a completely unhealthy way.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the cd cover here.)


“Take me to the place where the white boys dance"

Definitely the best Killers b-side I have EVER heard. I hear echoes of Sparks and Maroon 5 in this song and it's so catchy. Very different from anything I've heard from them before! My review of Sam's Town will be coming rather soon-ish. It's one of my most anticipated releases of the year so we'll see how that works out.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


“This is live transmission with commercial intermissions"

I've already written about Swedish band Brainpool before as part of the Millenium Project, but they deserve a proper post as well. In addition to crafting one of the finest rock operas of our time, they produce stunningly epic prog-rock-pop. I can't help but think that this sprawling sound is kind of what bands like Coldplay are going for but never really reach (yet, at least). Brainpool are especially interesting because they've existed as really two distinct entities depending on who the lead singer was. Moving from more of a pop/punk/rock sound with their old singer, they've now settled on something more grand and experimental. I'm eagerly awaiting a new album. This song is from their 1999 release You Are Here.

Brainpool - Live Transmission

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the track here.)
