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Friday, August 10, 2012

Flashback Friday: Scool - Roll Baby Roll

"It's so full of fun"

I just uncovered this track earlier in the week. I was completely won over by its cheesy charm, especially those pumping synths that form the instrumental hook of the song. Scool (what the hell is up with that name?) were a short-lived German girl group and this song was written about--what else?--rollerskating. I feel like it's a long lost unreleased track from Xanadu or something. Sure, it's catchy and bright, but the biggest reason I love it is because it's so damned tacky. I mean, look at that picture above! Sometimes I can't believe that this era actually existed. The song's "lyrics" are also worth a good laugh (my favorite is quoted above--the delivery is just so unconvincing). I hope there's a music video out there somewhere...

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Learn more about them here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Dragonette - Live In This City

"Can I do it for free?"

The countdown to Dragonette's upcoming 3rd album continues with this new single. Live In This City follows up Let It Go with a similar sound. It's a little rockier I suppose, with a propulsive beat and a ton of fuzzed out pop guitars. It's the kind of track that never slows down, even as it breaks for a hand-clapping section towards the end. It's fast and furious... more of an attitude piece than a thoughtful, melodic song. That's perfectly alright, especially if the hook is as big as the one here. I'm curious if the album will follow in this sound or be more of a grab bag. I've always thought that one of the band's biggest strengths was a chameleon-like ability to pull in different genres when crafting their unabashedly pop sound. I hope this continues!

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the track here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Tuesday, August 07, 2012

The Sound of Arrows - Remixed

This isn't really a "song" post, but any Sound Of Arrows news is worth noting. They had my favorite album of last year and continue to treat their fans to awesome videos and surprise downloads like this one. The guys have taken remixes of their excellent singles and collected them all together in one album. Best of all, the album's free to download! All you have to do is visit the band's facebook page (link here). They were even generous enough to include printable inserts for cd cases. This is a band that truly appreciates their fans. Now, all we need is a second album of original material ;)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Download the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Monday, August 06, 2012

Chris Wallace - Remember When (Push Rewind)

"Do you remember when we started this mess?"

Chris Wallace has the dubious challenge of sharing the same name with a well-known FOX News anchorman. I can't help but think that he needs to come up with some sort of alias or something. I also can't help but think that this song should have been Adam Lambert's comeback single. It's modern pop radio fodder, for sure, but punchy and catchy enough that it really sticks with you even on the first listen. It's like a really good, modern Melodifestivalen track (apologies if that reference goes totally over your head). Chris was previously the lead singer of White Tie Affair, which had a hit with the excellent Candle (Sick And Tired) way back in 2009. He's obviously a fan of song titles with parentheses in them. He's also gone even poppier with this track, with vocals very remeniscnet of the aforementioned Lambert. It's good stuff, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if this becomes bigger than his White Tie Affair material.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the track here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


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