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Thursday, April 30, 2009

"You shouldn't be talking to me"

Sorry about the lack of a post yesterday. I really don't have a good excuse. But, I'll make up for it today with what is bound to be one of the summer's jolliest singles. Fibes, Of Fibes! are capable of creating some damn good pop (see Can't Be So or Get Up), and their singles are always top-notch. They have an instantly recognizable sound, which is best displayed on their funky, uptempo tracks. Love Child may just be the best single they've put out yet. The chorus ratchets catchiness up to a new level, followed by a boisterous marching band hook that places this track among the classics of 2009. The band have called it a "bastard anthem." I wonder if the lyrics are at all autobiographical? I have very high hopes for their upcoming album (curiously titled 1987). It sounds like they've been working with some great producers. I hope that Love Child is the template for the record's sound, because I think these guys are on the cusp of creating one stupendous album.

In unrelated news, who the hell is voting for Danny Gokey on American Idol?!?!? What do we have to do to get him voted off? And in what alternate universe was Adam in the bottom three?

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy previous albums here.)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Ambitions are already starting to fade"

Okay, so these guys have gotta have one of the worst band names in the history of music, as bad or worse than Baconflex (who coincidentally have a new album out). But, it's instantly forgiven once you hear them. Like Delays mixed with Bosson mixed with Fleetwood Mac, they've got a soaring, androgynous sound that mixes together classic rock, synths and pure pop. Ambitions is already shaping up to be a big hit in Norway, and an album is on the way. Much of the credit has got to go to frontman Cato Sundberg, whose vocals are out of this world. It reminds me of the first time I heard a Delays record. The chorus, in particular, gets better and better with each listen. I'm really eager to hear what else these guys have in store for us.

On another note, the new Enemy and Tommy Sparks albums are awesome. More on them later, hopefully.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Fins out more here.)

Monday, April 27, 2009

"It's up to me and you to prove it"

Gossip's excellent Standing In The Way Of Control was a huge hit when I was interning in England a few years ago. I loved the song, but not much else from their album. Then, last night I heard their new single on Radio One and was blown away. The first thing I noticed was the insane, hypnotic beat, then the vocal melody, which wraps around the guitar perfectly. I love how the track starts out slow, then smashes right into things. In that way (and others), it's like Control, but I don't remember having such a visceral response to that song the first time I heard it. Also, Heavy Cross really isn't as straightforward as Control was, meandering through a lot of vocal acrobatics and ad libs. Usually that's not really my thing, but the song's so darn catchy and raw. It's irresistible. I hope that the upcoming album is as good as this track. Unfortunately, it's not out until late June and there's not a lot of information about it yet, except the title (Music Of Men).

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the first album here.)
