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Friday, August 22, 2014

Infinite - Back

"I say save me"

Okay, so this isn't exactly "new," and I already mentioned it in a post I did about another Infinite song a few weeks ago, but I've got more to say. I really think when all the dust is settled this year, Back is going to find a very high spot on my Top Singles list. I simply can't get enough. Part of that is due to the awesomely styled music video, but it's the song and production that really seals the deal. When it comes to structure, Back is a strange little--almost orchestral--pop song. While most radio tracks follow a pretty strict verse/chorus format, here's what we've got going on with Back: Verse A, Bridge A, Chorus, Breakdown, Verse B, Bridge A, Bridge B, Chorus. In other words, barely anything repeats and the melody manages to grow and change so many times that it's impossible to get bored. The track also has what might be my favorite musical moment of the year. At the 2:03 point (2:23 in the music video), a secondary beat kicks in and the drama and bombast doubles. Taken in tandem with the dancing in the video gives me chills. Fabulous stuff.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Taemin - Danger

"It's my show time"

This is the new Michael Jackson single we've been waiting for, and it comes from Korea and... not Michael Jackson. It makes sense, though, since Korea is one of the places that still gives a crap about the Jacksons' sound (another reason why I love K-Pop). Taemin is a member of the amazing group Shinee, and he's actually the first to go solo. He's the youngest member, known especially for his dancing. With Danger, he gets to show that off, as well as pay tribute to his idol, MJ. This song had me from the first verse. It's produced by Danish genius (and favorite of this blog) Thomas Troelsen and you can definitely tell. Those "bom bom bom" bits in the verses are among the best pop song pieces I've heard all year. It truly is what Michael might have sounded like had he gotten his start in this era. Like most of k-pop, it also benefits from the ridiculously cool music video, so I'm posting that today rather than just the song. Enjoy!

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the mini album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Monday, August 18, 2014

Robin - Parasta Just Nytt (ft. Nikke Ankara)

I love it when an artist is at that point in their career where they're on an undisputed roll, releasing excellent single after excellent single with barely enough space between each to fully appreciate them. Now, Robin's never really taken too long of a break between albums (you can't when you perform in this fickle genre), but it was definitely a pleasant surprise to hear that his next one's out in late September, not even a year after his last. Since Boom Kah hit last fall, he's cemented himself as Finland's most reliable pop star. Kesärenkaat is one of my songs of the summer, and now we've got this totally different, but totally awesome follow up. Parasta Just Nyt sees him going full-on aggressive rap, which is intercut with heavy verses and an almost operatic hook that only gets better the more you hear it. It's like Eminem's Lose Yourself for the Finnish set. It's also the sound of a teen singer growing up and branching out, and I couldn't be more excited to hear what else he's got in store for us.

Parasta Just Nyt (ft. Nikke Ankara) by Robin on Grooveshark

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


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