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Saturday, June 02, 2007

Video Premiere: My Chemical Romance - Teenagers

I'm so glad these guys finally got around to releasing this song as a single. I've been mistaken for Gerard about a gazillion times since I've been in the UK, but I'm not offended because MCR make some of the best videos out nowadays, and this is definitely no exception.

June 16th, 2007... Let the revolution continue...

Friday, June 01, 2007

Is There Anything Better Than Swedish Music?

In a few weeks I will be trekking out to Sweden (again) for a weekend of festivals. This means not bathing and eating crap for three days, but it also means that I'll get to see the following bands (listed in order of excitement):

The Ark (2x)
Melody Club
Pet Shop Boys
Oh No Ono
The View
Sahara Hotnights
Marit Bergman
Fibes, Oh Fibes!
Amy Winehouse
Mando Diao
Manic Street Preachers
Lisa Miskovsky
Anna Ternheim
Salem Al Fakir
The Touch

And a gazillion more! Yes folks, I am going to my first Hultsfred Festival. It better not rain....
Ghosts - Stop

"Why don't you ever stop?"

Aching for a combination of The Delays, Darren Hayes and The Feeling? I don't see how you couldn't be, as that trio, blended together makes up an almost unholy perfection of sound. But, for much of Ghosts' new debut album, it's exactly what they offer up. I posted about Ghosts a few weeks ago in my UK Indie week, but I can't resist posting again as their album is about to "drop," as they say. Stop is one of the poppiest moments on the record and, if the brilliant Stay The Night and The World Is Outside didn't yet convince you to pick up the album, this most definitely will. An amazing combo of catchy pop/rock, dance and brilliant production and vocals, there's no reason why this sort of thing shouldn't be on the top of the UK charts.

Ghosts - Stop (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Preorder the album here)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Holy Ghost Revival - Christmas Everyday

"All alone, on my own"

So it's holiday week and posts will be sporadic at best until Monday. I've got to tell you, though, before I jump into today's band, that if you're in the UK and have a chance to go up to the northeast coast, go to the small fishing town of Whitby. Stunning, especially for a coastal boy like me. Now, moving on to today's post. Holy Ghost Revival, another band from the Seattle area, have been unfairly maligned by pretty much every music magazine that I've read. Not all of the stuff on their album is great, for sure, but they have a very interesting glam-infused sound that I find quite refreshing, actually. Christmas Everyday, the first single off of their just released album, Bleeding Light, sounds uncannily like early Sparks, which is no small feat. I, for one, love it.... no matter what all those critics say.

Holy Ghost Revival - Christmas Everyday (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Actual Tigers - Standing By

"I'll be standing by, I'll be standing by"

From my own Seattle, in the land that I am actually kind of missing while I'm away here in the UK, come The Actual Tigers, with their very summery brand of folk music. Now, don't instantly faint and die when you hear the words "folk music" (as I usually do), because this track is extremely catchy and fits perfectly with what I usually post on here. It's from an album released all the way back in 2001, but I recently acquired it (through where... I don't know, but probably from another blog somewhere) and fell in love with it. Add that to the fact that the sun finally came out today in Birmingham and it seems the perfect song to post.

The Actual Tigers - Standing By (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here)

Monday, May 28, 2007

You'll have to wait until Tuesday for the start of this week's posts. Try to contain your disappointment. :)
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