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Friday, October 10, 2008

Flashback Friday: Indecent Obsession - Tell Me Something

"Who's gonna give me loving?"

This track is such a perfect example of late 80's/early 90's dance pop. Indecent Obsession was a relatively short-lived Australian band in the very early 90's. they alternated between slick dance and even slicker ballads. Tell Me Something is uber, uber catchy from the get-go. The beat, the chorus, the guitar. This is the kind of epic dance-pop that doesn't really exist anymore. Although, I think this is a perfect song to cover in this decade. Updated, it could be a massive hit again. Ignore the hideous 90's video and concentrate on the fact that this sounds like George Michael but is actually better than 75% of George Michael's songs.

Indecent Obsession - Tell Me Something (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here - for a penny!)

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Lil' Chris - Big America

"Everybody wants to be a big star"

Lil' Chris's new album is finally out and it's a very strange animal indeed. I don't know what marketing genius decided that they'd rush out a cd with only six new tracks and then fill it with seven old ones from the last one and then call the package a "new album." It's more like an EP, I'd say. Plus there's the odd disconnect between the old tracks and the new ones, recorded with enough time between them that Chris's voice has...uh...changed. The album as a whole doesn't work, but I'm going to pretend it wasn't packaged the way it was and just focus on the new tracks, which are great. An actual album of them would have been a real treat, but I guess Those-That-Be didn't have enough faith in Chris's selling potential or something after his last album stalled. I'm posting Big America today, which is probably the most instantly catchy of the new songs. You can tell from the vocals that it was recorded closer to the first album. It would have fit very well on his debut, actually. The chorus is fantastic in an eighties, shout-along way. I still think this kid (well, adult now, I guess) has a knack for amazing pop songs. I just wish we would have gotten a few more of them this time around.

**Update: After further listens, I now really really wish there was more new stuff on this record. When I Hit Twenty is dang near 80's dance/synth/pop! Amazing!

Lil' Chris - Big America (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here!)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Hotel Motel - My Song On The Radio

"Will I ever hear my song on the radio?"

It's taken me awhile to post this track, but I definitely want to give some more alienhits love to the fabulous Hotel Motel. They've been one of my favorite new UK bands for awhile and I can't wait until they get an album together (fingers crossed). My Song On The Radio is the latest song they've released for free download on myspace and, like the rest of their stuff, it's flawless 80's pop. If you like Ladyhawke, I'd definitely recommend this band because both artists have got a very authentic sound. And I know I've said it before, but Marika's voice is just perfect for this kind of music. Plus, isn't that promo pic fantastic??

Hotel Motel - My Song On The Radio (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Download more here!)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Robert Svensson - Young Enough (ft. Markus Krunegard)

"You've got me on the phone but I'm not gonna reminisce"

I really wanted to post a track off of Lil' Chris's (semi) new album that came out yesterday, but so far I haven't found anywhere to buy the thing outside of the UK! So instead I'm going to post this song by Robert Svensson. On his new album, Svensson's got some poppier tracks than this one, but I chose Young Enough because it's a duet with Markus Krunegard from Laakso. Laakso are one of my favorite bands (and created my favorite album of 2007) so that's the reason why I was drawn to this track in the first place. As far as the song goes, it's definitely got that Swedish indie sound to it. It's the kind of music that you're either going to love or hate depending on whether you like Swedish indie rock. I do, even though I don't listen to it as often as I probably should.

Robert Svensson - Young Enough (ft. Markus Krunegard) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here!)
