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Friday, October 12, 2007

Halloween Treat #10: UK Subs - Gothic Party Time

While I don't want to confuse "goths" with Halloween, this track is practically a calling card for an October party. It's just silly enough to be completely fun, too. And, I swear the singer says "witch's knob," which is hilarious in itself.
Pulpa - Kids With Weapons

"We're not okay"

After a few days of Scandinavian music, why not wrap up the week with yet another Swedish band? I can't think of any better way to do it! Pulpa are a new-ish electropop group with a really catchy sound. Some of their stuff is a bit rough around the edges but you can tell that with major label support they could create a great album. Kids With Weapons is my favorite of the tracks I've heard. The vocals are better than the other songs and it's got a great chorus. The other songs are pretty good too and, more importantly, can be downloaded free at the band's myspace!

Pulpa - Kids With Weapons (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Download more for free here!)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Halloween Treat #9: Holy Ghost Revival - Autumn's Children

Most of the songs from this band could probably be classified as Halloween themed, though I like this one the best. The instrumental opening is especially autumnal, as the title suggests.
Jonas Game - ADHD

"Everyday is a new day calling"

Jonas Game was in the Swedish indie band The Bad Cash Quartet, which apparently were very popular, though I don't know any of their songs. I do know however that ADHD, his second solo single, is fantastic. It's got a real earthy sound with fantastic percussion but it's also very polished pop. The vocals are very typical for Swedish indie music and part of the reason that I love so much music from that region. The track may not knock you over the head the first time you hear it, but by the end of the song I'm confident that you'll fall in love with it just like I did.

Jonas Game - ADHD (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Preorder the album here!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Halloween Treat #8: Battles - Atlas

I put this song on during my roommate's and my "beginning of October/Halloween party" (because, yes, we're that weird) and she didn't seem to think that it fit in with the theme. In fact, her exact words I believe were "what the hell is this?" However, I stick to my guns on this one. It sounds like a bunch of gnomes or spooks chanting along with a glam beat, and what's more Halloween than that?
Laakso - Great Times Underground

"We grow older, we grow bad"

Laakso are one of my favorite bands of 2007 and now they've released an epilogue of sorts to their brilliant album Mother, Am I Good Looking. Surprisingly, the new EP (Vasterbron & Vampires) sounds a bit different than the album that came before it. The songs are less pop oriented and spend a lot more time building up to a dramatic crescendo than presenting a concise, catchy song. If that doesn't make sense now, it will after you listen to the EP. Putting that aside, though, the songs are fantastic and form a bit of a mini concept record about, what else, vampires. Great Times Underground is the most concise of the three new tracks and the loudest. It doesn't have the orchestral grandeur of the other tracks but I think you'll like it just the same.

Laakso - Great Times Underground (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here!)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Halloween Treat #7: Melody Club - Feed On Me

One of my favorite bands with a song that complements Halloween perfectly! A bunch of tracks from their most recent album (appropriately titled Scream) would fit the tone, but Feed On Me, with its "graveyard blitz," "frightful freaks" and "funeral chic" fits especially well.

Ola Svensson - Can't Get Enough

"I can't get enough of the heat you generate"

Sorry about yesterday everyone! It was one of those things where I completely overestimated the time that I'd have and ended up not getting half of the stuff done that I was supposed to. Hopefully you forgive me! Today's post, though, is really a jolt of happy, campy energy for you. It comes from Ola Svensson, a Swedish Idol contestant that makes really really poppy music. More often than not, "poppy" here means "shitty," but once and awhile (such as with the unstoppable tag team singles Natalie & S.O.S.) he gets it completely right. Unfortunately, there are only four examples of this on his new album, but luckily I've got one for you here. Can't Get Enough is good simply because it is LAME AS HELL. I mean, the conviction with which he sings these lyrics (especially "danger zone" and "oxygen" in the first verse - both priceless) cracks me up everytime, as does the chorus, which builds up until it sounds like he's going to blow a gasket.

Ola Svensson - Can't Get Enough (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Monday, October 08, 2007

Halloween Treat #6: Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire - Do The Hippogriff

LONG commute home today so I'm just doing a Halloween post and normal posts will come back tomorrow. Now, onto the song. I couldn't resist posting another Harry Potter track and, unlike last year's, this has vocals. It is incredibly lame lyrically but it's so dumb that you can't help but smile.
