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Saturday, February 25, 2006

"That which I should have done I did not do and now the song is sung"

Granted, this song is pretty well known, but I can't fathom how it was never released in America. It's one of those rare songs that, from the first listen, I could tell I was going to become obsessed with. They just don't seem to write them like this anymore. It manages to be both trashy and angelic; completely otherworldly. Greg Gilbert's voice (and falsetto) need to be heard to be believed. Also check out their new single "Valentine" from their forthcoming second album. You won't regret it.

(you can buy the album here - music is posted for evaluation purposes only. Please support the artists. If you hold the copyright to this song and wish it to be removed, contact me and I will delete it immediately.)

Friday, February 24, 2006

"I wanna hold you again and again"

God, do I love Swedish music. I swear that this band is a precursor to both the Ark and Melody Club. Some of their songs sound just like they were written by Ola or Kristofer (incidentally, Secret Service's lead singer is also named Ola). Released in the good ol' year of 1979 (at least I'm guessing it was good - I wasn't born yet), this cut from their first album uses a throbbing disco beat similar to one that both Scissor Sisters and the Ark have used recently. And, the Swedish accent is in full, brilliant effect. Quite frankly, if you can't dance to this, I pity you.

(you can buy the album here - music is posted for evaluation purposes only. Please support the artists. If you hold the copyright to this song and wish it to be removed, contact me and I will delete it immediately.)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"I can still feel the love vibrations in the air"

Much of the music on this site is going to come from Sweden because, well... pretty much every song released in Sweden has the potential to be a global hit as far as I'm concerned. Meja is from Sweden, but she's also big in Japan. I liken her to maybe a mix between Madonna and Kylie. She's got a pretty distinctive voice and this song (the opener on her third album, Realitales) is definitely one of her catchiest. Opening with a staccato guitar riff/rhythm, the verses blend seemlessly into a slower, more melodic chorus. It's good stuff.

(you can buy the album here - music is posted for evaluation purposes only. Please support the artists. If you hold the copyright to this song and wish it to be removed, contact me and I will delete it immediately.)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

"Cause I'm not gonna be your whippin' boy"

And now for something a little different. I'm so sick of the whiny pop-punk genre that seems to have America in its death grip. This song, I think, grows out of this sound, but it takes away the whininess and injects some actual charisma. Amazingly, the lead singer was a contestant in Canadian Idol a year or so back. He joins Kelly Clarkson as one of the few good singers that came out of an idol-related program.

(you can buy the album here - music is posted for evaluation purposes only. Please support the artists. If you hold the copyright to this song and wish it to be removed, contact me and I will delete it immediately.)

Monday, February 20, 2006

"Who cares about my broken heart, it's the melody that counts"

There's this ridiculously cool genre of music in Sweden right now (I wanna call it glam-electro-80s-pop or something) and the Callahan, along with the Ark, the Mo and Melody Club are a part of it. This song was a minor hit over the summer, but deserves to conquer the world. It's just one of those perfect singalong pop songs.

(you can buy the album here - music is posted for evaluation purposes only. Please support the artists. If you hold the copyright to this song and wish it to be removed, contact me and I will delete it immediately.)
