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Friday, May 20, 2011

Next week will be a little different...

So I leave for New York City on Sunday morning. While I'm there, I'll be attending several events leading up to the launch of my book in September. If you're a local New Yorker and have an interest in books (and meeting me!), this is where I'll be:

Mon. May 23rd: 4PM - 7PM
Teen Author Carnival
I'll be speaking on a panel called Debut Author Showcase: The Journey to Publication and signing Advanced Readers Copies afterward. Come see me! It's free and there are many awesome YA authors attending.
Location: Mulberry Street Library
Head to their website for more info.

Thurs. May 26th: 10:30AM - 11:30AM
Book Expo Of America
I'll be giving away and signing Advanced Readers Copies at booth #2525
Location: Javits Center

So what this means for most of you is that posts, if any, will likely be very limited next week. I've never been to New York before so I plan on using all my free time to explore the city. Any short updates I post are more likely to appear on my facebook.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kite - Stand Back

"Didn't you know?"

Indie-electro Swedish duo are back with a specially recorded track for the music event “Arvika Festivalen.” I’m always interested in what they’re doing, even if I wasn’t all that impressed with their last EP. This track is a kind of rebound for them in my eyes. Even on the first listen, I was taken by its sweeping (yet experimental) melodies. There are places, and maybe it’s just me, where it reminds me of the second part of the We Are The World chorus (you know, the "there's a choice we're making" part). That’s a strange comparison, I know, but it really jumped out at me. Amidst the slightly eerie electronics and surging bed of synths, I also get sort of an electro pop camp singalong vibe from it. I know, I know. I’m just full of weird comparisons today. It’s no Kumbaya (thank god!), but it’s got that big, sing-it-together-next-to-a-campfire feeling.

Kite-Stand Back by ProgressProductions

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the song here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tyson - Love's On The Line

"Why would you keep me hanging on?"

I first introduced you to Tyson (formerly of great UK band Unklejam) a few weeks ago, but now he has a new track that's quite stunning. In fact, after only one listen, it might be my favorite song I've heard from him. Anyone pining for the days of 80's Prince records is going to love Tyson. This midtempo, funky-as-hell synth jam is perfect for the summer. The vocals are a little reminiscent of Cee Lo's, but whereas I've never been able to completely get into that singer, I totally understand this. It so skillfully brings back a specific 80's sound that if you heard it on an oldies station you probably wouldn't question it. The synth alone is worth celebrating. It's the kind of track that you worship from the very first few seconds.

Love's On The Line by TYSON

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Adele vs. Robin S - Show Me In The Deep (Djs From Mars FM Remix)

"We could've had it all"

It's probably pointless posting anything non Lady Gaga related, but I'd going to try anyways. I haven't yet listened to Gaga's new album (will tonight, and can't wait!!). Plus, I don't like making snap judgments. This track, though, is something I've been sitting on awhile. I'm really in a remix phase right now. They're the perfect tempo for working out. And I especially love when a non-dance track gets a full-on dance mix. Adele's Rolling In The Deep has become a gargantuan hit in the US, UK and elsewhere. I'm a little sick of it, only because it's been played to death. It's a great song and deserves its success, and I think this remix (mashing it with Robin S's dance classic Show Me Love) really breathes some fresh life into it. It's a shining example of what a good remix can do... reinvent a beloved track without straying too far from the melody. I was flabbergasted the first time I heard this. What a perfect mesh of sounds! And, unlike most remixes, it doesn't overstay its welcome. Now I just want Adele to make a club record.

Adele vs Robin S. - Show Me In The Deep (Djs from Mars FM Remix) by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. It's a bootleg, so there's no place to buy it. But search around, you'll find it! Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Eurovision 2011 Wrap-Up

So I wasn't able to watch Eurovision until yesterday, and because of this had to self-impose several hours of internet exile so that I wouldn't read the results before watching.

Now that the dust has settled, here are my thoughts:

- The winner: lame. I thought it was a boring song with terrible staging. I honestly don't see how this was so loved by the voters and juries. It's perfectly fine, but hardly memorable.

- I was shocked at how well Sweden did. It was totally deserved (and probably should have won), but for some reason I had anticipated this flopping. I'm glad to see that Europe has good taste! Hopefully this will help Eric find the global success he deserves.

- I was also shocked at how well Italy did. I pegged this as last place (it ended up in second!). Personally, I hated this song and it was probably my least favorite. I can't believe people actually called in and voted.

- Jedward: they did well, but should have won. They balanced novelty and proper pop perfectly and put on one of the most memorable performances (with lots of kicking and star jumps!). Interestingly, according to Australian voters (whose votes obviously don't count in the final) the twins were the clear winners.

- Why had all the bookies predicted a France win? It didn't go over all that well and didn't finish well either. I'm confused as to why this was tipped to do conquer (other than the beautiful LED projections behind him)

- Wanted Finland to do better. So earnest. Estonia should have also done MUCH better than they did, even though the performance itself looked cheap.

- Germany did a TERRIBLE job hosting this year. What was up with that boring (and endless) interval act? And I hated that the video intros to each artist were basically tourism ads for Germany. They should have shown representations of each country, not local Germans from each country.

- Never underestimate the power of sand art.

- Norway's song was missed greatly in the final.

- What was up with all of the good songs being performed in a row early on in the competition, leaving a bunch of crap in their wake?

- I'm glad the pointy hatted Moldova brought some much needed whimsy. Yay for horn-playing unicyclists!

- I also liked Denmark's song and was happy to see it do so well.

- Still don't get UK's song.

- Kudos to my two favorite European countries (UK, Sweden) for giving Jedward 12 points. Yes!

My Top Three:

1. Ireland

2. Sweden

3. Hungary


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