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Friday, September 21, 2007

Division Kent - Pat The Pan Am Pilot

"Pat the pan am pilot is no more"

Division Kent are a Swiss band (the first featured on Alienhits? Quite possibly) that ride the line between pop, rock and electronic elements. Pat The Pan Am Pilot is a delightful story-song with an even more delightful title. It comes from their just-released second album Gravity and is quite a strange, winding pop song that really doesn't sound like much else out there. The band (which is actually a duo) classifies themselves as electro but it's an organic type of electro that really blends in with a more classic rock/alternative backdrop. If you like this track be sure to also check out their brilliant single Offshore.

Division Kent - Pat The Pan Am Pilot (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Carbon Dating Service - Starbeat Academy Graduation March

"I close my eyes but it's still bright"

This song (and band) has got to be one of the most dreamlike things I've heard in a while. Think of I'm From Barcelona or The Polyphonic Spree (ie: HUGE choral sound) with more of an electronic influence. Starbeat Academy Graduation March, in addition to having one fantastic title, is also the rare kind of track that straddles the line between lo-fi and bombastic in a way that makes it sound very odd among other pop or rock songs. There's definitely an Arcade Fire influence in here as well (Carbon Dating Service, like that band, is also from Canada). I don't know if it'll be everyone's taste, but I was definitely hooked from the opening synthesized intro all the way through to the cacophonous finale.

Carbon Dating Service - Starbeat Academy Graduation March (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Myrmidons - My Favorite

"Honest and truly, will you always remain faithful?"

I've got some classy synthpop for you today in the form of The Myrmidons. Two thirds of the band were part of the 80's group Book Of Love and have now reunited so many years later for this new project. Together with fantastic vocalist Lori Lindsay, they've created some beautiful pop music that takes its cues both from the 80's and the 60's. Their single Clap (See The Stars) is magnificent, but today I'm posting the equally great My Favorite. A simple melody and even simpler lyrics form this lovely, elegant track. If you've liked posts about Hotel Motel and The Hampdens in the past, you'll love this.

The Myrmidons - My Favorite (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here!)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

BWO - Give Me The Night

"The best is yet to come"

Okay, if this BWO track from their new album (out tomorrow... buy it!) doesn't make you want to hear the entire record than you may just be on the wrong site here. Give Me The Night is one of the most instant things I've heard BWO ever create. A fantastic 80's inspired dance track, it has got one wicked chorus and an amazing beat. It's funny that I've never done a proper post on BWO yet, because (like so many other bloggers) they're one of my favorite bands. Their new album Fabricator is excellent, every bit as good as their others (well, maybe not quite as good as Prototype). Still, a completely worthwhile purchase, with three or four already-classic tracks among the overall strong material.

BWO - Give Me The Night (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Video Premiere: Superfamily - Warszawa & Laakso - Dropout

Today I've got the videos for two of the best songs of the year. Warszawa, with its dramatic, elegant melody sounds like a lost Tears For Fears classic, while Dropout, with it's Queen-like harmonies and power chords is the epitome of youtful rebellion. Unfittingly, neither of the videos are that jaw-droppingly good (the former an odd kaleidoscopic tour and the latter a behind the scenes tour video) but the songs are so amazing that it really doesn't matter. Besides, given that I was at Hultsfred this year, I just might actually be in the Laakso video.
These are the bands of the year for me so far, both releasing stunning, classic albums. If you haven't given them much love yet here's your chance today!


Legrand - Brainy

"Make them think you're the only choice they have"

Legrand are a Swedish rock group from Malmo, officially the best musical city in the world (case in point, The Ark, Melody Club, The Mo, Pikko, Lamont, etc etc all operate from there). They're not quite as poppy as some of those bands, but Brainy, their first single, is a fantastic Killers-esque rock track with a reliably catchy chorus that actually reminds me a lot of Lukas Kasha, Legrand's Norwegian neighbors. Now all they need to do is bring in Ola Salo to produce their next album and they're set!

Legrand - Brainy (mp3) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Video Premiere: Private - My Secret Lover

Straight from the ashes of fantastic Danish band Superheroes comes Private. This track is riding high in Denmark (#1 on itunes right now) and rightly so. It's a perfect, old-school dance track that hits you immediately. It sounds more than a little like Junior Senior (but better), which makes sense because it's masterminded by Thomas Troelsen just like that duo. The video is perfectly simple and a lot of fun.

Video Premiere: Bobby - The Ghost Of You Remains

Sweden's synth pop duo Bobby are finally back with their new single. I won't say that it's one of my favorites from the group, but it's still a solid track. The video's pretty uneventful and low budget, but I do love the hanging lightbulbs!
