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Friday, March 07, 2008

Apartment - My Brother Chris

"The will to live, the will to sing"

To end this stellar week of music (not to toot my own horn, because it actually has been quite stellar, yes?) and to keep with the 80's theme that has unintentionally sprung up the past few days, I've got a great song from English band Apartment. They haven't gotten nearly as much success as they deserve, and I think an urgent track like My Brother Chris could do wonders for them if radio ever chose to play it. It's kind of like a rocking version of Keane mixed with a bit of 80's gloss, and it completely works. The insistent drums and gorgeous vocals don't hurt either. Seriously, does this guy have an amazing voice or what??

Apartment - My Brother Chris (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Dear Martin - Call For Justice

"Oh, this is getting lonely"

I heard Sweden's Dear Martin on the radio the other day and could have sworn it was a new Erasure song. The track was All I Want, which remains my favorite Dear Martin track, but you're gonna have to go to itunes to buy that one because today I'm posting his free single Call For Justice. It's not quite as good as some of his other stuff (and you've GOT to listen to All I Want - amazing chorus!), but I know you're going to love this guy. The Erasure comparison at times is absolutely uncanny. When I first heard him I thought he was a singer from the 80's and I was kind of surprised that he's current. That's just how much he nails the sound. It's a welcome addition to the Swedish electropop scene, for sure, and hopefully this semi-unknown will break through big in 2008.

Dear Martin - Call For Justice (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Listen to more here or buy the Ep here!)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Faker - This Heart Attack (Grafton Primary Remix)

"I'm about to flatline"

I'm a huge fan of the Grafton Primary sound, so I'm always interested in hearing their remixes for other artists. One amazing one they've done recently is for fellow Australians Faker and their great single This Heart Attack. The remix elevates the song by making it more danceable and even more 80's than the original. It's a great Spring/Summer sounding track with those trademark heavy Grafton Primary synths that I've come to love. Seriously, if you're not dancing to this than you're reading the wrong blog, because this is what it's all about here!

Faker - This Heart Attack (Grafton Primary Remix) (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here!)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ghostland Observatory - Freeheart Lover

"My freeheart lover, don't play games with me"

Ghostland Observatory is a band that really frustrates me. I've posted about them a few times before, and their newest album (also their best) Robotique Mystique was just released. Problem is, I absolutely adore some of these guys' songs and absolutely can't stand the rest. In fact, of their three releases, I've been able to take tracks from each and form one really solid album... but that's all. Importantly, though, when they're on, they're definitely on. Frontman Aaron Behrens, when he actually sings a melody, sounds astonishingly like 80's era Freddie Mercury. Just listen to new (amazing) single Dancing On My Grave and you'll see what I mean. Today I'm posting Freeheart Lover, which is another propulsive pop song. It sort of threatens to derail about 2/3 through with a bizarre interlude where the music just stops, but even this isn't enough to dull the track's incredible rock pulse. I'm telling you, this is The Game/Hot Space era Queen to the tee.

Ghostland Observatory - Freeheart Lover (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album -or compile your own- here!)

Monday, March 03, 2008

Your Vegas - Troubled Times

"Oh Lydia, Lydia, I guess I never saw the signs"

I'm all about finding perfect songs, and this year there have been three of them so far. The first was Daggers' Money, followed quickly by Neon Neon's I Told Her On Alderaan, and now to complete the trifecta, I've got Your Vegas's Troubled Times. The melody on this thing is just gorgeous. They seem to be going for the U2 vibe, but (unlike everyone else) I've never been that big on U2 and I find this track to be much better. From the moment that soaring chorus comes in, this track just takes off and everything about it is perfection. The guys have an album coming out later this year and you can buy their three song ep (totally worth it) for only 99 cents at itunes right now!

Your Vegas - Troubled Times (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here!)
