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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Music Video: Hurts - Wonderful Life

I can't tell you how gratifying it is to see one of my old favs (Daggers) come as far as they have and release a video as amazing and professional as this. Wonderful Life has already gained traction in mainland Europe and it'd be a crime if the same doesn't happen in the UK. This stylish video should help.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Vintage - Mickey

"I'm not a girl, I'm not a boy"

I went back and forth about posting this, but decided that I had to because it's just so damn weird. Vintage are a Russian pop group (think lady Gaga x3) and this is their first English single. It's about Mickey Mouse. Of course it's also about all sorts of deep stuff like commercialization and youth sexualization and etc etc, but on the surface it's mostly a dance track about Mickey Mouse. The video is what sold me (the version I'm linking to is an English dubbed version of the original). It's a high concept, seemingly big-budget Gaga-esque video with some very strange imagery (most notable, what appears to be a hooker Mickey Mouse). I was so taken with the looniness on display that I had to watch the thing multiple times. Sometime around the third listen, the track's multiple hooks seeped their way into my brain and I haven't been able to shake them yet. This sort of thing is generally a bit too processed for my tastes, but I've gotta admit I am liking this.

Vintage - Mickey by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists, though I have no idea where you'd buy this stuff! Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Movie Blitz 7/22/10

In addition to being an enormous music fan, I'm an avid moviegoer (and popcorn eater), especially during the busy summer season. So I thought I'd tweak Pop Blitz a bit and talk about the last seven movies I've seen.

Though I agree with most of the criticisms I've heard, there's no doubt that this is far and away the best action thriller of the summer. It's demanding, creative and visually astounding. I loved it. A

The Last Airbender
Skipped a lot from the original series and was oddly self-serious, but I liked this a lot more than most people seemed to. Add the sorely missed humor, expand the running time by 30-45 minutes, and correct the pronunciations and you've got something that would have been satisfying. B-

Knight & Day
A fun diversion, though little more than that. The stunts were great, and thankfully the pace was kept at a breakneck speed throughout. The slower moments caught me checking my watch, though. C+

An interesting sci-fi horror hybrid that wasn't particularly scary. Thought-provoking, certainly, and quite unique, but there were a few plot turns that didn't sit well with me. Other than that, it easily held my attention. B

The Sorcerer's Apprentice
The best things about this by far were Jay Baruchel and Nicolas Cage. Other than that, I found little to love (or even hold my interest. Lots of special effects without a plot to tie them to. C-

Toy Story 3
Though I hadn't seen the first two since they were in theaters, this was easy to slide into (like putting on a pair of favorite jeans, to use a cliche). Exciting, sentimental and hilarious at once, this was one of the few animated movies that hit all the right notes. A

Prince Of Persia
Had its moments, for sure, but overall this was extremely forgettable. In fact, I think I forgot it the moment I stepped out of the theater because I can't remember more than a few scenes. It was just sort of stupid, really. C-

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Dirty Disco - White Room

"You are gonna have to treat my mental health"

After the success of Sista!, the Dirty Disco have released the video to their second single, the equally fantastic White Room. I love this band's DIY style. It's all limited budget, sure, but they make the most of it. From the costumes to the performance to the imagery, this is a band who knows exactly where they're going. In a lot of ways, they're like Scissor Sisters' brasher, more in-your-face cousin. Here's hoping they're in store for a similar level of success. Since I'm posting the video above, I thought it would be fun to post a remix below. Only this isn't a normal remix. It's a mash-up of the song with Penguin Prison's brilliant track, The Worse It Gets. Very cool, especially since I posted that song awhile back. The two work surprisingly well together.

The Dirty Disco Vs Penguin Prison : Penguin In A White Room (Bootleg) by Tomorrow Never Knows

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Venus Stare - Close To You

"You make me feel like I'm seventeen"

If Donkeyboy's Ambitions was the melodic, soft-rock 80's hit of last summer, then The Venus Stare fill that slot for the summer of 2010. While their video is a deliberate retro campfest, the song itself is something really special. Its breezy, Fleetwood Mac-esque melody is underpinned by subtle Van Halen synths (my catch-all description for any synth riff that sounds like it could have come out of Jump). There's even an overindulgent guitar solo (the best kind) towards the end. It's the kind of song that seems to come around about once a year... incredibly pleasant, even if it doesn't instantly draw attention to itself. The band's mission is to write songs big enough to soundtrack an epic 80's movie. I've gotta say, that's a goal I can get behind. Maybe they should team up with the Galvatrons! They're off to a great start with this addictive single. I bet the follow-up will knock us out.

The Venus Stare - Close To You by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Monday, July 19, 2010

One Night Only - Say You Don't Want It

"Love don't really mean a thing round here"

A couple of years ago, UK indie band One Night Only released the brilliant single Just For Tonight. It did well for them, but was their only major hit (and by far the best track on their underwhelming album). Now they're back and all I can say is WOW. Their sound is fuller, poppier and better in every conceivable way. It's like they took the blueprint for Just For Tonight and expanded it tenfold. Say You Don't Want It has shades of Pet Shop Boys, Melody Club and many other great synth pop bands. Add to that a melody that yanks you out of your seat and whips you through the air a few times before throwing you down again. This is an anthem in waiting, and one of the best singles I've heard this summer. Be sure to check out the fun video as well, an ode to Lady & the Tramp featuring Harry Potter's Emma Watson (who's dating the lead singer). And keep your eyes out for the self-titled album, which is released next month. I'm counting down the days!

One Night Only - Say You Don't Want It by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.

