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Friday, April 13, 2012

Flashback Friday: Glen Burtnick - Follow You

"Now my heart beats like a drummer"

There are just so many minor 80's hits that deserve legendary status, which is the biggest reason I started doing this Flashback Friday feature. Glen Burtnick released one of these should've-been-major-hits in 1987. It sounds quite a bit like Bryan Adams, though (barring Summer of '69) it's better than any of his material. In fact, I'd wedge this right between Summer and Journey's Don't Stop Believing and you'd have an epic ten plus minutes of AOR. It just has the classic, carefree singalong melody that's missing from so much of today's music. It's a pity Burtnick couldn't find more mainstream success on his own (though he was a member of uber-successful group Styx). Interesting fact: Burtnick's name has now been changed to Burtnik. I wonder what the point of losing the "c" was?

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Helena Gutarra - Tongues On Fire

"Feels so good you'll lose control"

This is such a cool song! It's also officially the most amazing track to come out of the Voice. Of course, given that this is from a contestant in the Swedish version of the show, that's no big surprise. Helena Gutarra used to sing with pop/punk back La Puma, but nothing that she did then could have prepared me for this type of a sound. Tongues On Fire is huge. To me, it sounds exactly like what Cyndi Lauper would release if she was just starting out in 2012. The fuzzy, beat-heavy production is instantly irresistible, but it's that bombastic chorus and the incredible vocals that really set this apart. I am a massive fan of Gutarra's voice. I wish she had more songs uploaded to her soundcloud page, but this one is inspired enough to get me super excited about her career as a solo artist.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Carly Rae Jepsen - Curiosity

"Look at me, left here in the cold"

Okay, I've written about Carly Rae Jepsen already, and pretty recently too. But, it's really been quite amazing how she's risen for moderately successful Canadian singer-songwriter to global pop superstar in just months. And it's even more amazing (barring the whole Justin Beiber influence) that it's down to the quality of the music and not the level of hype. Call Me Maybe gets more infectious by the day, but the rest of the new EP is also wonderful bubblegum pop. I'm just dying for this melody-driven genre to come back into vogue, and I really feel like it's going to happen. Looking at the US itunes top ten single chart has been quite heartening of late. If Jepsen's going to pluck another single from this release, it should definitely be Curiosity. It's not as hit-you-over-the-head catchy as Call Me Maybe, but it's definitely along the same lines. I love that she's moved to a glossier production style from her earlier coffeehouse-oriented solo work. It really suits her voice, and definitely compliments this track, with its irresistible oh, oh, oh hook.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the EP here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Casablanca - Beast Of Summer

"If you don't get it, we'll show you how"

I've been sitting on this track (not literally, though that would be... interesting) for awhile now. Casablanca are a Swedish rock/hair-metal supergroup, including members from Melody Club, Sahara Hotnights and Alice Cooper, among others. That's pretty impressive on its own. The fact that the band has released an awesome throwback album is just icing on the cake. Beast Of Summer is one of the best tracks, and absolutely screams backyard bbq or top-down convertible driving (if I had a convertible). I love big, anthemic cheese like this. Nobody does "it's Summertime!" songs better than the Swedes. It's undoubtedly because their winters are so long and dark. But take it from someone who's visited several times: there's nothing more beautiful that a Stockholm Summer.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


Monday, April 09, 2012

Scissor Sisters - Only The Horses

"Only the horses can bring us back home"

I hate it when a big track comes out on a Friday because then I have to wait all the way until Monday to write about it. This time it was Scissor Sisters' new one, Only The Horses. It's an interesting case, for sure. Here's my dilemma. I love the song. Really, really love it. I especially love when the Sisters go for full-on, soaring melodic pop music. Sure, they can do the offbeat tracks just as well, but I've always been more of a melody guy. They've also roped in it-boy of the moment Calvin Harris to provide production. All signs point to radio eating this up, but if I'm being honest, I'm not so sure. I WANT them to eat it up, but if the similar-sounding Fire With Fire didn't do it, I'm not sure this is going to either. Bottom line is: I think fans really need to get behind this. It's one of those songs that takes a few spins to really grow on you, but then it sticks. I found myself humming the chorus all weekend. I can't wait for their new album next month. If this and Shady Love are anything to go by, it's going to be quite diverse in sound.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the previous (excellent) album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.


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