"When we touch is the truth too much?"
This track has kinda already been around the blogging block this week, but when something fits my taste so perfectly, I've got to spotlight it. Visitor is a UK band (I featured them a long time ago when they were called Cobra Dukes) and Los Feeling is the only track I've heard from them so far, but based on just these three and a half minutes, I'm salivating for more. Now that Daggers have converted to the not-as-good Hurts, these guys seem to be intent on taking their place. The music is quite similar: highly melodic synth pop with brilliant vocals. Los Feeling (is it meant to be Lost Feeling, I wonder?) is majestic and seems to be in a constant state of elevation. It just keeps building and building. A band to watch, for sure.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Visit their myspace here. Follow me on twitter at nickajames)