Rebecca Black - Friday

Well, it is Friday. I'm not usually one to get excited about viral videos or bandwagons, but this is just too good of a story to pass up. Girl pays a vanity company to write, produce and record a pop song/music video to be put on youtube. Turns out the music video's so unintentionally cringe-worthy, that it begins to rack up views by the millions (just over 16 million as of this writing) and becomes the number one trending topic on Twitter worldwide. Then, after spots on radio stations and TV shows, the track rockets up the itunes chart (#26 as of Friday morning). And the real kicker is, when interviewed Black comes off as a sweet, self-aware teenage girl. I can't help but want to root for her, even with such an obviously horrible song. But, really, is it horrible? After watching the video half a dozen times last night and laughing so hard I was crying, I've now approached the point where I realize that I'm no longer listening to it ironically. I fear it's the point of no return for me. But it does bring me a lot of joy, especially the monotone "fun fun fun" and the infamous "standing in the backseat of the car" scene. But when all the dust has settled, the true beauty of this pop song is that, when it comes down to it, it's not all that different from a Ke$ha single. Rebecca Black has, unintentionally, created the finest satire of modern pop music that we've seen in quite some time.
Rebecca Black-Friday by budwoods
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
Labels: Rebecca Black