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Friday, February 22, 2008

Electric Valentine - A Night With You

"All I wanted was just a night with you"

This track was recently posted on Arjan Writes and I felt the need to put it here as well because it's not to be missed. The band is a side project of American band A Kiss Can Be Deadly, and the song is an amazing electro stormer. Fans of bands like The Lovemakers and Alice In Videoland will go ape over this track (as I have). I would not be at all surprised if this project is more successful than the actual band it sprung out of. All it takes these days is one perfect single, and I think that this definitely qualifies. Listen to it yourself, though, and see what you think.

Electric Valentine - A Night With You (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy more here!)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

King Of Trolls - Far Away

"Far away to the land of the fairytale"

I know this is a few weeks old, and I know it's a novelty song, but it is a damn weird one that has captivated me for far too long. Part of Norway's Melodi Grand Prix (their version of Melodifestivalen), where it nearly won the competition, Far Away is sung by Frode Anderssen, who dresses like a troll in the performance (yes, you read that right) and sings the track with all the gusto it demands. The song itself is ADDICTIVE. Immediately you'll realize how insanely weird it is, but then you'll notice that that chorus is just staggeringly great. And then you'll probably play the damn thing about two gazillion times.

King Of Trolls - Far Away (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the cd here!)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bo$$ In Drama - All The Love

"I make you bounce"

I wanna say that this is my first post by a Brazilian artist, but I can't really be sure. It's certainly my first post by a Brazilian artist that sounds like this. Bo$$ In Drama is pure butt shaking dance. If you can sit still to this track (or any of his other tracks, for that matter), then you must be unmovable. It starts immediately with a hard hitting, longish synth intro that soon gives way to his sing songy rap that is unbelievably catchy from verse one. As a nice bonus, you can download Bo$$'s entire EP free of charge on his myspace!

Bo$$ In Drama - All The Love (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Download more for free here!)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Neon Neon - I Lust You

"You and I get along famously"

I'm completely indebted (yet again) to Popjustice for introducing me to Neon Neon. They posted the stunning I Told Her On Alderaan, which I instantly loved, last week. Since then, I've had the opportunity to hear some of the group's other stuff, most of which is just as great. I Lust You, in particular, rides along on an ultra catchy (and simple) synth loop with cool, somewhat detached vocals that effortlessly recall bands like the Human League. The debut album, Stainless Style, is to be released worldwide next month and I'm super excited about it.

Neon Neon - I Lust You (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Preorder the album here!)

Monday, February 18, 2008

A few thoughts about Melodifestivalen Round Two

I didn't get to write about it in depth because I was away, but I still watched last Saturday's Melodifestivalen and enjoyed it very much. Song for song, it was better and more entertaining than last weeks, and I think the public got it 100% right. I could've gone either way with Sanna and Ola's songs, because I like them equally as much. Sanna's performance was definitely the stronger of the two, though. Andreas and Carola's song was alright, but a bit over the top vocally and not as strong as it should have been, given their aura of inevitability. I was glad to see them not make it straight through.
And, I was even more glad about Rongedal's success. I know nothing about them but they had the best song in Just A Minute, as well as the best performance. If Scissor Sisters had released this song it would have been a major hit for them. How heartening to know that this was enough to speed Rongedal through. And, I loved how you could tell how surprised and excited they were by the results.
Firefox AK - Winter Rose

"Give me some pleasure, give me some joy"

I love this new Firefox AK song, a duet with her husband's band Tiger Lou (which are also great). It's been out for a few weeks but it's just really started to settle with me. Sometimes I find Firefox's electro pop somewhat cold and unapproachable, but I think this may be my favorite single of hers so far. Maybe it's due to the fact that it's a duet. I don't know. Hopefully, the upcoming album, If I Were A Melody, follows suit and completely overwhelms me with its greatness. Based on this song alone, I can totally see that happening. And luckily, when I find the time, I can stream the whole shebang on her myspace, where she's kindly uploaded the album.

Firefox AK - Winter Rose (zshare)

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Preorder the album here!)
