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Saturday, October 28, 2006


“I really wanna know, how far I gotta go”

Imagine my surprise when I turn on the TV and hear this Swedish song as the background to some phone commercial (I think it was for Cingular). Swingfly was featured on fellow Swede Robyn’s latest album (and the similarities between some of her recent songs and this one are at times striking) and Something’s Got Me Started was a hit on Swedish radio awhile ago. It’s the kind of perfect hip-hop/pop combo that doesn’t really fly anymore in America (the Black Eyed Peas don’t count because they’re obnoxious). Apparently there are plans to release this in the States.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album yet, but buy another track here.)

Song #28

Meat Loaf - Back Into Hell

This instrumental piece from Meat Loaf's early nineties classic Bat Out Of Hell II is at once dramatic, eerie and irresistable. Perfect for Halloween, then.

Friday, October 27, 2006


“This state of shock was not a tough sell”

Let’s get the picture out of the way first off. Don’t let it turn you off (or turn you on?) because the song’s great. Just play along because today I’ve decided to drop you right in the middle of some weird psychedelic, folk/electric Danish musical. Secret Service is the shortest song I’ve ever posted (under two minutes) but it’s so full of things (melodies, sounds, strangeness) that you’ll hardly notice. Warning: prepare to hear something that you will be humming for weeks. And, it proudly joins the hundreds of songs that protest current American politics (and the guy’s not even American, that’s how messed up we are right now!).

A Kid Hereafter - Secret Service

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album, but hear more tracks here.)

Song #27

The Faint - Southern Belles In London Sing

Forget the lyrics of the song, because they have nothing to do with Halloween. But, the psycho-strings that open the track and the eerie female choir in the chorus make this a perfect choice for a Halloween party.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


“It’s just a trick of the light, she said”

The Cinematics are from Glasgow and they sound a lot like The Departure (who honestly weren’t much of one), Interpol, the Editors and other like-minded 80’s indie bands. They have, however, crafted a fantastic slice of indie-pop with Break. It may be a bit on the broody side, but it is fabulously catchy and addictive, as all good 80’s-inspired songs should be. One day when this sound has retired from the music scene there’s gonna be one killer compilation album.

The Cinematics - Break

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album yet, but buy the track here.)

Song #26

Yoko Kanno - Next Time

This could be the perfect Halloween song, sung from the point of view of a self-described "spook." It's weird and creepy and a lot of fun.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


“Yes, it’s true, we’re losing it all”

I have officially decided that Denmark is the new Sweden. Not that Sweden has lost any luster, but I am so impressed by all of the great Danish bands out right now. Carpark North are definitely among them. They play a ridiculously cool mixture of traditional rock music and electronic influences. 40 Days, off their 2003 debut, has the kind of deliriously sing-along chorus that should be gripping onto worldwide radio and not letting go. The stuff off their more recent album is great as well, but I’m afraid I won’t be playing it until I have this song out of my system (could be awhile). Still, I recommend you also check out their 2005 single Human. Brilliant stuff.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Song #25

Siouxsie & The Banshees - Halloween

Any song that can include "trick Or treat" in the chorus and still sound cool is praiseworthy. The build-up at the beginning of the song is especially ominous.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


“I'm a gambling psychadelic"

I can safely say that this is the grooviest song I've ever posted. Now, "groovy" is a pretty narrow label and few songs actually fit it. Marc Bolan was famous for it, INXS did it justice, and now The People are making it epic again. This unsigned Danish band impressed me straight away with their clean pop melodies and dancefloor ready tunes. This particular song will hit you instantly with its chugging rhythm and luxurious vocals. Appropriately, it namechecks Las Vegas, and I can totally imagine this song being pumped out of stereos down the strip. Now if we can only convince a record label to swoop them up!

The People - Electric Highway

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album yet, but download more songs here.)

Song #24

Kylie Minogue & Nick Cave - Where The Wild Roses Grow

This nineties classic is like an entire horror movie wrapped into one song. It's fittingly (and by "fittingly," I mean "extremely") dark, yet still manages to be catchy enough that you can sing along. Sing along to murder, folks!!

Monday, October 23, 2006


“Friday night you want to hide, but Tuesday was okay"

Do you miss the days of 70's-80's power-pop group The Cars? Well, my friend and I have found their successors. Toronto's Hello Operator are so good that I had trouble trying to decide which track of theirs to post. Classic rock 'n roll songwriting meets bright synths and energetic vocals on Crash & The Radio Star. It's criminal that this group's music has not found a place on mainstream radio. Their debut ep is really a tiny masterpiece of its genre. Just try to get the synth riff from this song out of your head.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Song #23

Pop*Star*Kids - Dance Like You're Dead

This band is an old #1 Hits favorite. The song's not directly related to Halloween, perhaps, but it's great for the dancefloor at your party.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Freaking hell, I had no idea there was a video to this! I can die happy now...


“I ain't sellin' my soul"

Can't Be So is the second single from this Swedish group's new album Emotional. I posted the first single Get Up awhile ago and, although this one is a bit of a different sound (more aggressive and dance-oriented) it is just as good. Right from the beginning you know it's going to be epic, with a keyboard/guitar fanfare fitting for a royal visitation. It only gets better from there, with a chorus that'll be bouncing around in your head for days.

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)

Song #22

Michael Jackson - Is It Scary

Well, a Michael Jackson song was a given on this countdown, right? Everyone should already have Thriller (and if you don't, why the hell not?) so I thought I'd post something else. MJ has a lot to choose from in this regard. Is It Scary is the next best thing.

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