“Under a scattered sky, between a fate and free will”
I very nearly wasn't able to post today, as my particular region of the Pacific Northwest is being absolutely attacked by storms. We just got power back... exciting, yeah?? Not really. Anyways, one of my rare slower songs is going to be the feature of today's post. Chemical Girl was a minor hit in Sweden earlier this year. Like Snow Patrol's recent hit Chasing Cars, it's one of those dark, simple sounding songs that just grows and grows as it gains steam. The Fine Arts Showcase is Gustaf Kjellvander, born in Sweden but raised in Seattle. The song itself doesn't sound particularly Swedish, but it is lovely nonetheless.
Listen & Download: The Fine Arts Showcase - Chemical Girl
Download: The Fine Arts Showcase - Chemical Girl
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here.)
This is the type of thing I don't normally like, but this is kinda cool. I like the lyrics.
Yeah, it does "brooding" very, very well. It's because it's Swedish ;)
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