Dance With Voices - Send My Regards To The Lonely Nightlife

"Fall like the future"
This is one of my favorite new bands from Australia. They've got an amazingly clean, laid-back electro-guitar sound that encapsulates the absolute best of 80's synth pop and more current dance technology. Plus, their logo reminds me of the Transformers, which only adds to the nostalgic kick. More than anything, though, it's the band's songs that stand apart. They're not the knock-you-over-the-head-insanely-catchy-the-first-time type of tracks. Instead, they get better and better with each listen. The guitar lines and the constant, washing synth really create an otherworldy backdrop, especially in this song.
Listen & Download: Dance With Voices - Send My Regards To The Lonely Nightlife
Download: Dance With Voices - Send My Regards To The Lonely Nightlife
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here.)

"Fall like the future"
This is one of my favorite new bands from Australia. They've got an amazingly clean, laid-back electro-guitar sound that encapsulates the absolute best of 80's synth pop and more current dance technology. Plus, their logo reminds me of the Transformers, which only adds to the nostalgic kick. More than anything, though, it's the band's songs that stand apart. They're not the knock-you-over-the-head-insanely-catchy-the-first-time type of tracks. Instead, they get better and better with each listen. The guitar lines and the constant, washing synth really create an otherworldy backdrop, especially in this song.
Listen & Download: Dance With Voices - Send My Regards To The Lonely Nightlife
Download: Dance With Voices - Send My Regards To The Lonely Nightlife
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the EP here.)
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