The Floor Is Made Of Lava - Do Your Sister

I'm posting a rockier track today, but that doesn't mean you should ignore it if you're more a fan of the electropop or dance stuff that I post. For one, the band (The Floor Is Made Of Lava) is from Denmark, one of the countries with the popiest stuff around. Also, the song is catchy as hell. I mean, from the first listen you are going to be so addicted. It's got that indie dance rock sound, somewhere between Franz Ferdinand and (maybe?) Arctic Monkeys. In other words, it would be an easy hit in England and parts of the States, and if it were tranformed into a bubblegum dance song, or an r&b club track... or whatever genre you can think of, it would still work just as well.
The Floor Is Made Of Lava - Do Your Sister (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Download more here)
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