Neonbeat - Hang On Or The World Will Fall

It's super nice weather out here today at Alienhits HQ so I'm definitely in the mood for some upbeat synth/dance/pop. I first discovered Neonbeat because they remixed one of my favorite bands, Superfamily. Now I don't know if they're exclusively a "remix band" (if that makes any sense or not) or if they've got their own material as well. I'm assuming that this track is their own, but their myspace isn't particularly forthcoming. Anyways, it doesn't matter because this song is very very good. It is also very very retro, like totally could have been released twenty years ago. The group is from Norway and they've got some more amazing tracks streaming on their site as well as the Superfamily remix which isn't quite as amazing.
Neonbeat - Hang On Or The World Will Fall (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! No album yet, but listen to more here.)
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