I Am Finn - Fall Down

Back with normal posts today and I've got a 100000% (imagine that's possible) flawless track from an artist I've never featured before but have followed for quite a long time. Unfortunately, news is pretty slow in I Am Finn land after a tour with the Hoosiers, but I'm hoping that he releases an EP or some new songs soon. Fall Down was available for free on his website for awhile (not sure if it still is) and it's my favorite track from him. It's funky, 80's and totally danceable. It reminds me a little bit of Prince in some spots but it's more straightforward new wave pop/rock than r&b or funk. Regardless of the genre, though, it just may be one of the best songs you hear all year.
I Am Finn - Fall Down (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here!)
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