Kissogram - I Am The Night Before

A reader recently recommended German duo Kissogram to me and I'm so glad they did because these guys are great. They're everything I wish Franz Ferdinand was right now, because they sound like that group with a little more electro and creativity thrown in. They remind me a bit of Norway's King Midas too. I love pop bands that aren't afraid to be a little weird and experimental, yet at the same time never forget to create a catchy piece of music. Kissogram do just that, and it means that their most recent release had--of all things--a Bollywood influence. Imagine Franz Ferdinand with a Bollywood influence. I mean, can you even imagine that'd work? Yet it does. And it never works better than I Am The Night Before. The lyrics are pretty dark and the vibrato in bits kinda dodgy, but the strings are amazing.
Kissogram - I Am The Night Before (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here.)
I'm glad you like them :) They have a lot to do with Franz Ferdinand, as you probably already know - Kissogram were supporting their gig I saw in Warsaw and after seeing the duo live I really fell in love with their music. Great you promote them on your blog! :)
And have you checked Lisa Bouvier?
Yeah, I do know about their FF connections, which is a good spotlight for them for sure.
I did give Lisa Bouvier a listen, and although it's good, it wasn't really my thing.
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