"It's just a game between me and the lord"
Empire Dogs is a soulful rockband that have been around in Sweden for awhile, though I've never been all that interested in them before. What caught my eye about this song, their new single, was the guest star...Ola Salo from the Ark! Ola doesn't have really all that much to do on this song, but (and I'm probably biased) his little refrains--as the devil, no less--are my favorite part. Even without Ola, though, this would be one of the catchiest new singles of 2009. It's definitely a throwback, and sounds more than a little bit inspired by Jesus Christ Superstar (odd, since that's the musical Ola's currently starring in). I wouldn't have been surprised to discover this was a cover of a hit from the late sixties or early seventies. It has a very authentic sound to it, sort of like what fellow Swedes the Caesars get up to.
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here.)
Labels: Empire Dogs, The Ark
The lead singer, Sunkan Choi, is also a keyboard player in The Ark's Sylvester's band The Guild, so everything stays in the family ;) I like the video to this song! :)
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