Summer Camp - Better Off Without You

"I'd be so happy"
Even though tomorrow's the first day of Spring, Summer's in the air around much of the country. Sadly, that doesn't include my little corner of the world, but that doesn't mean that I can't get into the Summer mood. Today's song takes me straight to the beach (where I wish I was now). The aptly named Summer Camp takes influences from the 60's and the 80's and melds them together to create an irresistible cocktail. For longtime readers of this blog, the song's perched somewhere between the Pipettes and Delays. From that opening boogie beat to the catchy-from-the-get-go chorus, it's really a timeless piece of pop. This could have been recorded anytime in the past thirty years and been successful. At this particular moment in time, it's a very refreshing piece. More of this, please!
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.
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