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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hey, I've got a bit of an odd job for y'all. MTVU is currently running a poll of five different music videos and the winner will be played "over and over" on their channel. The Ark (aka: best band in the world, aka: #1 album on the millenium project) are one of the bands with their video "One Of Us Is Gonna Die Young." Currently they're #3 out of 5 bands, though they climbed up to #1 earlier today. Any play that their video can get in the US is very good for them (and the music scene in general), so I wanna see them win.

So... my request is that all you loyal #1 Hits readers vote as much as you can by clicking here. You can vote as many times as you want until Friday.

In fact, if The Ark wins I just might have to post a rare b-side of theirs in celebration!!


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