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Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The mother of all perverse, crazy rock musicals and my favorite movie of all time. If you haven’t seen this movie (and who hasn’t?) you simply must. It is a Halloween tradition and even more fun to see in costume at a midnight showing. Tim Curry is quite simply a god and the freaky-weird storyline and similarly bizarre music never gets old. Some people that I’ve shown this movie to tell me that they don’t get it. I’ll tell you now, though, that if you’re watching it and finding yourself trying to “get it,” you’re probably not going to like it. It’s fun and freaky and you either get it or you don’t. Just enjoy the ride.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Sweet Transvestite
The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me

The Apple

I have made it my goal to apple-ize anyone and everyone I can. This movie is so incredibly bad that it has quickly become one of my favorite films of all time. Everybody on the face of the planet needs to see it. A blast from end to end with some of the most garish costumes, dance sequences and acting ever put on film, it is a masterpiece of camp. Set in the “futuristic world” of 1994, the plot follows two Canadians (“from Moosejaw”) who fall into the clutches of a devilish record producer. I can’t even explain how perfect the movie is but I will bet anyone who hasn’t seen it a million dollars (if I had that kind of money) that they won’t be able to guess the ending.

The Apple - Speed
The Apple - Showbizness

Buy all the dvds featured at amazon.


Blogger Poster Girl said...

Applause for the Rocky Horror Picture Show love! I've been trying to find a movie theater near me showing it for forever now--no success yet, but our college did put it on as a play last year.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Nick said...

Yeah, I dressed up in the lab coat outfit last Halloween at a showing and it was brilliant. I'll have to post pictures sometime.
Meanwhile, watch The Apple because it will make you laugh harder than anything else ever put on film. :)

9:56 PM  

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