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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Next Week: Countdowns Shift Into Overdrive

Starting tomorrow, I'll be counting down my fifty favorite tracks of the year, as well as beginning the big one: Top Twenty Albums of 2007.

To wet your collective appetite, I've compiled some stats on my twenty albums:

Groups - 85%
Solo Artists - 15%
Debut Albums - 35%
Second Albums - 30%
Male Singers - 75%
Female Singers - 15%
Male/Female Singers - 10%
American Acts - 30%
UK Acts - 30%
Swedish Acts - 25%
Danish Acts - 10%
Canadian Acts - 5%
Albums that saw a U.S. release - 45%
Albums with any substantial success in the U.S. - 10%
Released in the 1st Quarter - 20%
Released in the 2nd Quarter - 30%
Released in the 3rd Quarter - 20%
Released in the 4th Quarter - 30%


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