Nanne - Pissenisse

I've had Swedish singer Nanne's new album on repeat for the last week or so and have got to share something from it with you today. Nanne's a bit of an institution in Sweden... and a fair share older than most of the contemporary pop singers on the radio. She sings in Swedish and within a genre known as dansbander (think fluffy pop music who's entire goal is to be more infectious than herpes). Pissenisse (which I cannot find a translation for and my beginning Swedish language knowledge certainly doesn't cover... but it's fun to say) is the name of this track and, though I hated its saccharine-ness (new word?) the first time I heard it... it lingers like some crazy circus in my head and I can't stop singing along. Listen especially for the moments between 1:54-2:17, which really do speak for themselves I think. Pure fizzy brilliance! Nanne deserved to get further in Melodifestivalen with her brilliant entry, but luckily for us, she quickly released an album full of similar greatness. Plus, she's a bit insane (just check out Viskaren, where she literally turns into a witch... I swear).
Nanne - Pissenisse (mp3) (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here)

I've had Swedish singer Nanne's new album on repeat for the last week or so and have got to share something from it with you today. Nanne's a bit of an institution in Sweden... and a fair share older than most of the contemporary pop singers on the radio. She sings in Swedish and within a genre known as dansbander (think fluffy pop music who's entire goal is to be more infectious than herpes). Pissenisse (which I cannot find a translation for and my beginning Swedish language knowledge certainly doesn't cover... but it's fun to say) is the name of this track and, though I hated its saccharine-ness (new word?) the first time I heard it... it lingers like some crazy circus in my head and I can't stop singing along. Listen especially for the moments between 1:54-2:17, which really do speak for themselves I think. Pure fizzy brilliance! Nanne deserved to get further in Melodifestivalen with her brilliant entry, but luckily for us, she quickly released an album full of similar greatness. Plus, she's a bit insane (just check out Viskaren, where she literally turns into a witch... I swear).
Nanne - Pissenisse (mp3) (zshare)
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists! Buy the album here)
I love Nanne and all her crazy brilliance! One of the best songs on the album, too.
You didn't happen to buy an actual copy of the album, did you? I got mine through iTunes, and I'd love to know who she's singing with on "Kom hit"--I was thinking maybe her husband, but the voice sort of sounds familiar, and I really have no idea.
I didn't, unfortunately... but I'm thinking I might when I'm in Sweden in a few weeks. It would be especially nice if I could get the lyrics, since it would help with my Swedish studying!
pissenisse is not a word per say in the swedish language...its more like they fit togheter because they rhyme. Pisse (pee,as in human urine) and nisse(as in one of santa claus elfs...or the more swedish tomte) hoped this helped
Pissenisse is also a guy in a Pippi Longstocking-movie.
Pippi arrives at a farm with a whole bunch of children and sees a little boy eating dirt and ask one of his sibblings:
- And what's that little fellows name?
- We call him Pissenisse, but I THINK his name is Nils-Oscar...
I guess a english translation of the nickname would sound something like Pee-pee-Pete or Wee-Wee-Willy something. :)
Thanks for translating, guys. Knowing this makes the song 1000x more entertaining. I think Pee-pee-Pete and Wee-wee Willy will now become a permanent part of my vocabulary. :) may be correct...i havent seen that that the same one where they have to sleep in a barn?
Ooooh! I know I had heard of "Pissenisse" but I couldn't put my finger on where, so thanks Oswald! I should be ashamed of myself for not figuring it out, since Pippi is my favourite kid show of all time.
The one singing on "Kom Hit" is Paul Reins
I'm quite worried what bonkers Nanne might come up with the video treatment now.
If this becomes a single/video, I will be very happy, especially given the translations in earlier comments. It could be very funny.
Just so you know, Nanne has all her texts to the new album on her website.
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